Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Grade 5 Party!!

You were amazing at the party this afternoon and I was reminded again how proud I am to be your teacher! Well done and we have so much to look forward to tomorrow!!

All of your work came home today so please take a minute or two to look through it and sort it by what is meaningful for you to keep. We donated so much today for needy schools, and I am glad that it will find a good home.

There are still a few items left in the class, though -- please look tomorrow to take it all home -- winter boots, winter jacket hoods, blue school sweaters, math bags and a lunch bag!

Good night, 5G!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


It is so wonderful that the sun continues to shine down upon us as we near the beginning of summer holidays and a new beginning in Grade Six! How exciting!!

Please come to school with a garbage bag or two (or many reusable grocery bags) to carry home your hard work!! Please also count on taking home any rain boots, uniform parts or school supplies you intend to use next year (or over the summer - remember our goal of reading and writing wonderful creative stories over the break!!)

Tomorrow is civvies day, so enjoy the freedom of choice in the morning! Please pack your uniform top and tie for our Alice Cooper class dance at the year-end party. Thank you.

Thursday, though, is sharp number one. I'd like to tell you one last time to tuck in your shirts...

I'll miss you munchkins -- so much....

Monday, June 8, 2009


The last Monday - unreal!

Please return any tests to school with a signature.
Please come to school in your P.E. kit and bring your uniform!

Thank you!

Language Workshop

You will need this link!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wow -- one week away!

Hello everyone!

We had a great day today! Tonight, please complete the Band/Music declaration form and return to me by Monday. This is important!

For Sports Day: in addition to being well hydrated, it would be great if we could be well shaded! Please bring a hat, and if anyone has extra lawn umbrellas or little tents kids could sit under to provide a break from the sun and heat, we would really appreciate it! 5G will have their own area to congregate in as our home base.

Students must come to school on Monday and Thursday of next week in Number One - keep it sharp, 5G!

Parents must r.s.v.p. by tomorrow to Mrs. Vickerstaff for the Graduation Ceremony on Thursday - please be sure to do this! :)

---end of key information---
---beginning of Ms. Gretzinger philisophical rant---

Today, our discussion focused on successful student skills for Grade 6 and characteristics of strong students, subject by subject.

Strong math students have the basic multiplication facts memorized, are able to think algebraically (by having two components of a three part equation, they can use addition/subtraction or multiplication/division to solve), make diagrams, label their work, organize using charts and double check their work. They strive to make their work the best it can be by organizing, underlining the answer to stand out, write meaningful sentence anwsers and double check their math (not glancing over the page to see if each question was completed).

Strong readers think critically while reading, question bias, and are able to hold several pieces of information in their minds to make a new idea. To determine what you believe, and why you believe it - you must be a strong reader! Often, strong readers could read a paragraph and then summarize the main idea in a concise sentence.

Strong writers use outlines and other organizational tools to set up their ideas in a logical and pleasing way. As it is an art, students master the skill of adding imagery, similes and metaphors to their writing in an engaging (not overwhelming) manner. These tools draw their reader in to connect to the idea. Strong writers add additional information through critical research to really shine.

Strong studiers learn through doing. When studying simple machines, for example, they could build a model using basic materials like rulers and erasers to understand the idea. Strong studiers know that studying need not happen while sitting at a desk - often the world around them can provide moments to reinforce their learning. They read their notes (including the active reading summarizing sentences), write and understand definitions and practice possible short answers questions. They could ask ten test-like questions of themselves and answer them with flair. When studying, students could create meaningful songs, rhymes or acronyms that will help to stir their memory. Overall, strong studiers understand the big picture of the concept, so that they could apply to any new question rather than memorization.

Academic success is important - that's a given!
But just as important are the characteristics of strong HUMANS.
That will be the focus for next week's discussion!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

An overview of the next few days...

Please return your signed Math and Socials test
This will be our last Buddies class with 2M!
Bring your HOUSE t-shirt for assembly with your proper uniform, and Spirit clothes for the end of the day

Sports Day! It's going to be so fun! Please wear your house t-shirt and pack sunscreen, hats, layers and loads of liquids. We will have water there for you to fill up your water bottles. I recommend bringing at LEAST one bottle (but I'd bring another one that is frozen) and some frozen juice boxes to keep yourselves cool. Hot dogs and popsicles will be provided for those who ordered them.

Community Day Parade - Peace and Love at 9:30 am at the corner of 13th and Marine!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday, Monday

Oh, the weather outside is delightful,
And Ms. Gretzinger's hair is frightful,
We've got so many places to go....
Let's get ready for our 4/5 show!

Speakers will meet tomorrow evening for our 4/5 concert at the backstage theatre entrance of Kay Meek at 5:15 pm. Dancers will meet at 5:45, and the rest of the cast will assemble in their black pants at 6:15 pm! The show will conclude by 8:30 pm and it's going to be great!

Tomorrow we will have a dress rehearsal during the day, so students need to come to school in the morning with or in their black pants. BUT -- bring your regular grey pant/kilt bottoms so that the black pants do not get dirty at recess.

It's really important that students wear their House t-shirts to school on Wednesday -- since tomorrow night will be a busy one, please make the effort to pack up and stay organized tonight! :)

Enjoy this beautiful sunshine!

Friday, May 29, 2009

For the weekend...

It's wild to think that the weekend is here! Please search your homes for the missing Library books, and be sure to return any school texts. On Monday, please wear your Perfect Number One for our Whole School photo at Morven.

Speakers and Dancers -- you will be picked up from Kay Meek at the end of the school day on Monday. Be sure to pack a sensible lunch that does not require a microwave.

Enjoy your lovely weekend!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two weeks today!

We watched the 2/3 concert today and it was great! We have been very busy in class finishing up some major term projects - our Iqbal portfolios, our Literature Circles, our Writer's Workshop Fractured Fairytales, our Natural Resources project AND completing some work at the Simple Machines station. There is always lots to do, and students are rising to the challenge independently guiding their learning to finish strong!!

For tomorrow:
  • Please come in your P.E. kit and bring your uniform. We are going to have a run through of the 4/5 play tomorrow and I'm so excited to see it!
  • Your Natural Resource project presentation will be at 11 am - I am also excited to see those! :)
  • Please complete pages 5 and 6 in your Simple Machines booklet if you did not finish this in class.
  • Better Life coffee due Friday -- Dillon, Matt, Nancy and Danesh return Library books -- everyone return yellow Problem Solving duotangs for Ms. Gould and any outstanding tests -- textbooks!!!
Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday and the sun is shining!

What a day! Our Grade 5 Photo-On-The-Rocks went really well and I'm excited to see it soon. I hope that you enjoy the sunshine tonight! :)

  • Please return library books (you know who you are!) and textbooks to the school.
  • Complete your Socials project
  • The yellow Better Life coffee order form is due back on Friday, May 29th - it's the last order of the year!
  • Friday -- last hot lunch!
Good night!

Science World Fun!

Our trip to the Science Centre was really fun AND educational! Now that we are officially into our Simple Machines unit, students learned loads (get it? ha) about force, loads and how to do work efficiently. We learned about the sacrifice you make when decreasing your force (your pushing or pulling) -- the distance your load travels decreases! On top of the fun Simple Machines material we covered, students also played with sound, light, human body and environmental concepts - just to name a few!

Thank you for being such a well behaved class, 5G - you're great!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Homework for tonight!

Science World was so much fun - a big thank you to Mr. Clemiss who volunteered his time today!

Tonight, please work on your Natural Resources project and be ready to present it on Friday! Early submissions are welcome.

Please have your proper Number One uniform tomorrow for our Grade 5 photo, and be sure to bring your Spirit clothes. We have the Problem Solving component of our Measurement Test tomorrow, so tonight would be a great time to review.

Good night, 5G!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Congratulations on a wonderful Cafe Concert, 5G!!

I am so proud of you!!


Cafe Concert was amazing today! I am so proud of our class, and each of you should be proud of yourselves, too!! I've made a slideshow - keep your eyes peeled.

  • Return Library books, Problem Solving duotangs, textbooks and yellow Sports Day Lunch forms!
  • Come in Number One uniform for Science World tomorrow (bring an easy-to-eat/dispose lunch)
  • Put finishing touches on your Natural Resources project
  • Science: Finish page 2 of your Simple Machines booklet to prepare for our learning tomorrow. Free time? Check out the Simple Machines links to the left!

Friday, May 22, 2009

For the weekend!

What a beautiful day! I hope that you all enjoy the weekend! :)

Cafe Concert is on Monday - students MUST bring in their costume in the morning! I am so excited to see the final product of your hard work!

Review for your Natural Resources test on Monday. Recall the game we played for the oil spill clean up options! CAFS - contain (boom, boom, boom), absorb (cheerleader style!), fire (burn, baby, burn) and soap (repel!!). Teach your loved ones at home the game and keep learning! :)

The yellow Sports Day notice that was sent home today is important - please review and return with your lunch choices.

Ms. Gould's pink Problem Solving package is due on Monday - be organized, please!

Reminder: Next Friday, May 29th is the last hot lunch day.

See you on Monday, 5G (unless you'll be at the track meet this weekend, in which case - I'll see you there)!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hi everyone,

What a beautiful week! Here are some reminders for tonight:

There are two tests coming up:
(and on Tuesday we're going to the Science Centre!!)
Continue working on your Natural Resources Project
Study French lines (CAFE CONCERT MONDAY!)
Problem Solving due next week (pink sheet)
Come in P.E. kit and bring Number One
Return Library books!

Loads of students stayed in at recess today to create K'Nex simple machines, and some of the creations included the Archimedes Screw, a Windmill, an Axe, a Measuring Wheel, an Elevator and a Spinning Top! I am excited for the final unit of study!

Thank you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Please continue studying tonight for your Math and Natural Resources tests.

Science: Complete 10.7 in your booklet. Many students completed last night's homework well, but a few of you are cutting corners and not trying to *think* if the answer is not right there for you. I know that it can be difficult, but it is important to read carefully and persist until you get it right - don't give up!!

Library books need to be returned by Friday, so please begin finding them at home!

Good night, 5G!

Circumference of Circle

As promised, here are some links for finding the circumference of a circle!

Remember that pi is worth 3.14!

C= pi x diameter (the distance across the the circle)
(there are games on this page!)

Grade 5 Camp Slideshow by Matt and Mr. Kershaw!

Matt worked so hard on this slideshow, and it my pleasure to show his wonderful efforts! We really did have an amazing time at camp!!

Mathletes Summer Camp with Mr. Hudson Clark

Mr. Hudson Clark (Grade Six Teacher at Morven) dropped by yesterday to tell us about the summer camp he's running. Formally of the Saskatchewan Rough Riders CFL fame, Mr. Clark is now math teacher extraordinaire, and this camp sounds like a great idea for students looking to sharpen their math skills over the summer!

Details I've copied from the website (check out for more information!):

Is your child interested in getting a head start in Grade 6 math? Or perhaps a quick review before going onto Grade 7? Are they a sports enthusiast? If your child would like to further their understanding of measurement, fractions, graphing, problem solving, and number sense while playing SPORTS then this camp is a must! Throughout the course of the week, the children will incorporate real world activities both inside and outside of the classroom into their learning. Mathletes allows the campers to improve their math skills while developing their athletic abilities in Football, Basketball, Soccer and many more sports.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It's going to be a great week - it's amazing how quickly this term is flying by!

  • Complete the worksheets associated with Chapter 9.3, 9.4 and 9.6 in the Science textbook. This will help you with your final project, as well!
  • Math: 5G: pages 287-290 in Jump. Here are some great word problems to help you review:
  • I handed out many work sheets in Math today, and we completed about half of the problems to ensure that you could do each type. Feel free to finish them all to really review! Included in that package was a specific review sheet, complete with boxes for you to keep track of your studying with. Please use these wisely!
  • Our Cafe Concert is less than a week away - we are excited to welcome you into 5G on Monday to watch the incredible efforts by 5G in preparing for this event!
  • Quinten, Dillon and Nicole T are presenting their Book Reports on Thursday.
  • Rugby boys - return yellow form tomorrow, please.
  • Assembly day tomorrow - our interpretation of Number One Uniform has become a little relaxed. Please remove jewelery, hair dye and nail polish, and wear polished dress shoes, proper shirts and ties and dark socks. Be sharp, 5G!
Good night!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Here are a few reminders for your evening:

  • Natural Resources Project
  • Get Socials test signed
  • Practice your Canadian Geography by using your blank map
  • Book report!
  • Study French lines
  • Math? (5G: complete the Area & Perimeter booklet and the Converting Measurement sheet by Tuesday! Be working away on the Puzzler Class Book for Wednesday's class!)
  • Problem Solving due next week for Ms. Gould (pink sheet)
  • Come in P.E. kit and bring Number One for Grandparent's Day!!
  • If Choir or Student Ambassador, just come in Number One!
  • R.S.V.P. Community Day Parade (the yellow invitation sheet is coming home tonight)
  • Return any finished Library books
  • Get excited for the Summer Reading Program!! We heard a wonderful presentation from the West Van Library, and I encourage each student to be on the path to success by reading over the summer. You can sign up at the beginning of June - just pop by your local library branch to learn more!
See you tomorrow for Grandparent's Day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We had a great day today - Zakia performed her dance in assembly and Matt, Jay, Shae, Dylan, Dillon, Quinten, Nicole H. and Sofia were all celebrated for their Athletic Achievements this term!

Tonight for homework, it is imperative that students have committed their Cafe Concert lines to memory with lots of expression!

The Natural Resources project deadline will sneak up on you if you are not working on it often. Consider what it means to exceed expectations, and go for it!

Tonight, please read Chapter 9.1 and 9.2 in the Science textbook and complete the Check Your Understanding (Seven questions in total). Organize your answer on a lined piece of paper with a correct title and complete sentence answer. Reminder: Venn diagrams are two circles that illustrate similarities and differences.

The pink sheet for Ms. Gould's Problem Solving class is due next week!

For 5G Math set, students should be working on the 5G Puzzlers package that is a compilation of your own individual review questions. The Measurement Test is on Friday, May 22, and this package will help you to review. Please practice converting between measurements (dm - cm, km - m, etc.) - you can do this on your own or with the help of the links on the left!

Oral Book Reports are still going on - please keep yourselves organized! Scott and Mikayla are both scheduled to present on Thursday - if you two are well enough to present tomorrow that would be great, but if you're still sick please don't stress out about it! Pirooz is also on deck to go on Thursday! I have so enjoyed hearing about the wonderful novels you have been reading!

See you in the morning!

Monday, May 11, 2009

National Mining Week

We are studying Natural Resources, and today kicks off National Mining Week in Canada! I was poking around their website, and I found these five facts that you may find interesting:


Five Facts for National Mining Week 2009

  1. Did you know most diamonds are more than a billion years old? Even the youngest were formed more than 70 million years ago. (Popular Geoscience Fact Sheet)

  2. Did you know that police are nicknamed "cops" or "coppers" because their uniforms once had copper buttons and badges? (National Research Council web site)

  3. Did you know aircraft and their components contain many precious and high-value metals such as gold, tungsten alloys, and titanium? Each Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft contains around 25 000 pounds of titanium, a metal valued for its strength, lightness, and resistance to heat and corrosion. (The Mining Association of Canada’s Facts and Figures 2007)

  4. Did you know many consumer applications rely on mining products? Here are just a few: batteries, circuitry, computer/tv screens, cosmetics and jewellery, electricity, eyeglasses, leather clothing, musical instruments, sports equipment and helmets, sun protection, and vehicles and tires. (The Mining Associations of Canada’s Facts and Figures 2008)

  5. Did you know our ability to move toward a cleaner energy economy will depend upon the availability of metals and minerals as building blocks? Hybrid vehicles draw energy from nickel hydride batteries, rechargeable batteries require lithium, and solar cells require gallium, indium and germanium. Catalytic converters, used to reduce vehicle emissions, require platinum, rhodium and cerium. Water purification systems rely on nickel and a host of rare elements. (The Mining Associations of Canada’s Facts and Figures 2008)

More Tidbits of Information:

Diamonds are made of plain old carbon, the same material found in pencils or in the graphite powder used to lubricate locks. The difference between the black powder and a brilliant gemstone lies in the way the carbon atoms are joined together. In a diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a pyramid-like structure. This tightly bonded structure gives a diamond its characteristic hardness. Tremendous heat and pressure are required to make a diamond, and natural diamonds can only be formed deep in the Earth. They are brought to the surface by volcanic activity and are found in "pipes" of kimberlite. Kimberlite is a type of rock named after Kimberley in South Africa, where it was first found.

Source: Popular Geoscience Fact Sheet.

Gold plays an important role in keeping pilots safe. It is used in microelectronic circuitry in escape mechanisms, parachutes, and air-survival radios. (break here) Gold is the best metal to use in these applications because it does not corrode, crumble, or tarnish whatever the conditions; it is unaffected by moisture, oxygen, or ordinary acids, and is virtually indestructible.

Source: Minerals Information Institute.

Rare earth metals (REM) and rare earth elements (REE) are the collection of 17 earth elements in the periodic table, namely scandium, yttrium, and 15 lanthanides. Because of their unique magnetic, fluorescent and chemical properties, REM and REE are key materials used in science innovation.

Major rare earth applications are used in hybrid vehicles. For example the Toyota Prius, which NRCan uses in its car-pool fleet, contains 30 kg (65 lb) of REE. Rare earth elements are used in motors, metal hydride batteries, glass, autocatalysts, and electronics.

Sources: Natural Resources Canada; “Rare Earths at the Crossroads,” by Dudley J. Kingsnorth (September 2008).

The products of the minerals and metals industry help build highways, electrical and communications networks, homes, automobiles, consumer electronics, and other products essential to our everyday lives.

Here are just a few consumer applications that rely on mining products:

Batteries cadmium, lithium, cobalt
Circuitry nickel
Computer/TV screens gold, copper, aluminum, steel, lithium, titanium, silver, cobalt, tin, lead, zinc
Eyeglasses silicon, boron, lead, barium
Sports equipment strontium, phosphorus, indium
Tires limestone, feldspar, soda ash, boron, graphite, aluminum, titanium, sulphur, bromine, iodine, zinc

Source: The Mining Association of Canada's Facts and Figures 2008.

Monday, Monday

I hope that your day went really well today - I am excited to see you all tomorrow!

  • Review the expectations for the Natural Resources project. Plan your time wisely!
  • There are several book report presentations tomorrow - check your agenda long range planner to see when you are scheduled to share your learning with the class.
  • Review your French lines (Cafe Concert is approaching quickly!)
  • Complete Problem Solving homework.
  • Be sure to invite your Grandparents to school on Friday - it will be great to welcome them into our classroom!
  • Blue spelling sheet due on Wednesday.
  • Come in P.E. kit, bring uniform.

Thank you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hi everyone!

It's been a wild week (and thanks to the bump on my head, I only remember some of it!), and it's hard to believe it's already over. I will be away with the ISEA Track Meet tomorrow, so if you need to pass along any urgent information, please phone reception.

Students should:
- come in P.E. kit
- Complete Math homework - 5G - finish Metric System mini booklet and be working on your very own measurement puzzler to make a class book of fun!
- Please get your Problem Solving test signed a.s.a.p. for Ms. Gould
- Sign up for the Chess Tournament - the numbers look great already!!
- Practice your French lines!

Good night!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Natural Resources and Art

During lunch today, we watched a clip of the Sarah Harmer documentary "Escarpment Blues" about the development on the Niagara Escarpment (in Ontario) and its negative consequences for the land.

Many artists have written songs about the effect of human development on our environment. Feel free to listen to these songs, and perhaps you, too will be inspired to create music, poetry or art to share your feelings.

Where do the Children Play by Cat Stevens (with clips from The Lorax)

Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell

Escarpment Blues by Sarah Harmer

Mining for Gold by Cowboy Junkies (we are going to focus on mining fossil fuels in this unit, but this song still gives you an idea of the life of a miner)

Please share your own creations! :)

Round Square Chess Tournament Information

Round Square Chess Tournament Information

We have an exciting opportunity for our Collingwood Chess Masters to participate in! An internet chess tournament between other Round Square school students is organized for this summer, and any Collingwood student (as early as Grade One!) can join in for free! The matches will be played online in the month of June, and the software can be downloaded once students e-mail to register! Simply e-mail your name, grade and school to this address, and they will respond with more information.

The deadline is May 15th - so if you're interested sign up right away!! If you have any questions, I would be happy to help you. This is a wonderful way to improve your chess game, and to meet other Round Square students from around the world! I just received word this morning from the organization that we have 289 students enrolled from 31 Round Square schools, from 14 countries! You will be matched up against students your own age, and it is a single elimination style tourney.

Good luck, 5G!

Monday, May 4, 2009

May Days

It's going to be a great week!

-- please sign and return Problem Solving test by Wednesday
-- yellow Natural Resources booklet - complete the first page, front and back - due Tuesday
-- salmon coloured Spelling sheet - due Wednesday
-- come in P.E. kit, bring uniform
-- Book report presentations are soon - please be working away on this assignment!

Thank you!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring Fair 2009!

After three fantastic days at Camp Squeah (Mr. Kershaw will have the slide show ready soon!!), here are some 5G stars at Spring Fair this weekend! I tried to catch as many of you as I could -- I'm sorry if I missed you!

The food was delicious!

Karaoke Supporters!

Candy Walk Winner (you would think he would be happier about his win...)

AC/DC all the way!

Exploring all of the rooms!

Just caught up with him as he was leaving!

Peace-lovin' gals

Happy ladies

More AC/DC fans

These two rocked the mic all afternoon!

Gladiator style

Spring Fair 2009!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cool Camp Countdown!

It looks like the weather is on our side for the rest of the week and the forecast definitely has fun, fun, fun on the horizon! Please remember to review the packing guidelines, and don't over pack - we have limited space on the bus so bring the essentials and remember to layer! :)

If you are finished packing and have some free time tonight, here are some fun Science activities to try!

On Wednesday, May 6th from 3:30 to 4:30, Ms. Murphy and I will be leading a group of volunteer students to tie knots in the Community Day Parade t-shirts. We should be finished by 4:30, and Ms. Murphy and I will supply some special treats for our awesome volunteers! If you are free on that day, please r.s.v.p. to me via e-mail so I know that you have your parent's permission to stay after school for this fun activity! Space is limited - clear your schedule for our groovy tie dye party (this might be slightly misleading...we are just tying knots - not dyeing!! But you will be so proud when you see the finished products on Parade Day!!). It's going to be great!

Have fun packing tonight and please don't forget your smiles, laughter and sense of adventure!!

See you at 8:15 am for our Camp Squeah Epic and Exciting Experience!!

Fort Langley

After several attempts - let's hope this works!

Fort Langley Slideshow

Here we go!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The countdown is on!

The sun is beaming and so are the faces of 5G! The Jeans Day Fundraiser was a huge success for the BC Children's Hospital (it is nice to be comfortable!). Click here to see some biographies of the kids you are helping through this fundraiser!

Camp Squeah is going to be amazing, and it is hard to believe that we are leaving on Wednesday!!

  • Ensure that your Math homework is complete.
  • Be reading for your Book Report!
  • P.E. kit for the morning and bring your uniform.

Congratulations to Scott who won a Summer Camp with the White Caps Football Club this morning!

Good night, 5G!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Notes for the weekend...

We had a great time at Morven this morning - informative tours led by fabulous Grade 6 students, cookies and juice and tons of information about all of the fun things to look forward to.

-- $2 Jeans Day on Monday -- Jeans on the bottom and uniform top.
-- Bring in newspaper for Squeah!
-- Last call for Scholastic orders (due Monday)
-- Problem Solving test on Monday -- please review!
-- Development of Canada/Immigration Test on Monday.

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine, 5G!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday!

5G celebrated Earth Day today by turning off our lights, bringing our snacks and lunches in reusable containers and just generally being connected with and celebrating our relationship with Earth. In the assembly, Shae was honoured for his contributions with the class compost with a Spirit Award (but he is not well - we hope you feel better soon, Shae!).

Tonight, I would like students to focus on being organized. Oral Book Reports are fast approaching - check in your agenda month long planner if you have forgotten your presentation date! Review your Problem Solving duotang to prepare for the upcoming test on Monday.

We leave for camp in exactly one week - I am so excited! Take some time to review the packing list and ensure that you have all that you will need for our wilderness adventure!

Enjoy the sunshine, 5G!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Reminders for tonight

  • Earth Day House Assembly - Number One uniform with House shirt or Environmental shirt
  • Pack Spirit wear
  • Math (5G: page 272-274)
  • Study Problem Solving
  • Study Socials - make notes on push/pull factors.
  • Please bring in newspapers for camp!
Thank you!

Buddies: A Year in Review

Here's a glance back through the year with our wonderful Buddies class, 2M. It has been such a joy to watch the relationships between the students develop, and both groups have certainly learned alot! Thank you for being such a great group of students!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, Monday

5G welcomed a new Scientific addition to our classroom today - a worm home! It will take a few days to fully set up, but soon we will have a fun way to learn about worms and all they are capable of!

Tonight for homework, please ensure that you are organized for our last full week together before camp.
  • Come in P.E. kit and bring your uniform.
  • Rugby -- 7:30 am tomorrow on the field.
  • Wrestler's -- good luck tomorrow! :)
  • Wednesday, April 22nd - Earth Day Assembly - wear your house t-shirt or any earth-friendly themed t-shirt!
  • Problem Solving quiz for Ms. Gould Mon April 27. You need to know how to find the Lowest Common Multiple, how to use t-charts to organize your information, guess-and-check and determine who is the most important person in a word problem (the person everyone else is compared against). Here is a site that may help you review:
  • Immigration and Founding of Canada Test Mon April 27 - you know what to study! You will rock it!
  • Tomorrow is Garbageless Lunch Day -- WE ARE GOING TO BEAT OUR WEIGH-IN FROM LAST WEEK!! Please bring all of your food and drink tomorrow in reusable containers. Alternatively, bring snacks that are compostable!
  • Friday, April 25th -- meet at Morven at 8:15 am - please join us even if you will not be at that campus next year. It is going to be a fun morning and we'll be back in time for Music. Wear your smartest Number One, please.
  • Please bring in any old newspapers for a Camp Squeah activity we are eagerly getting ready for! Shh -- I'll never tell what they will be for! It's going to be great!

Thank you, everyone!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hi all,

Please come dressed in your P.E. kit tomorrow, and pack your civvies for our Bowling Party with 2M! It is also important that you bring your library books back to school on Friday.

Wrestler's -- Form is due tomorrow

5G: 263-264 in Jump
5M: 271-271 in Jump
5BR: 256-260 in Jump
5C: Measurement sheet

Please sign and return your Decimals Tests!

Socials: Be working on your letter home from the perspective of an early settler of Canada. The instructions are in the booklet, and I would like you to invest time editing your own work. This is due on Monday.

Good night!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Science Fair Success!

Dear 5G,

I am, as always, so impressed with your hard work, dedication and enthusiasm. 5G shone tonight as they showcased their Scientific Inquiry! I loved to see the looks on your faces as you spoke so proudly and eloquently about your projects, and this was a wonderful opportunity to see how you fared on a major project with minimal help from me. This is a safe opportunity for you and I to both find out how your organizational and independent-instruction-following skills are before they take centre stage next year in Grade Six! And the results are in - you are all stars!! Congratulations again, 5G!

I will be posting some photos in the next few days -- Fort Langley, Science Fair and months in review slideshows will be coming to a blog near you soon!

A few reminders:

  • Please get math test signed for your math teacher. 5G had an incredible showing on the Number Sense section - an impressive 91% class average! Wonderful!! Problem Solving was, as expected, more of a challenge and our class average was 74%. Please remember to use the strategies you have learned to apply to more difficult questions. Drop by to reinforce your learning at recess and lunch time - I know that with some review of basic principles and careful application of your logical thinking, success is in your future!
  • Be reading for your Oral Book Reports (we will discuss the criteria for this assignment next week)
  • Practice your Bowling skills to prepare for our Buddy Bowling Bonanza on Friday! Parents - please feel free to join us for all or part of the time - score keepers are in high demand! :)
Good night, 5G!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today was great! We saw the Middle and Senior School Dance performance at Kay Meek and it was amazing! I hope that many 5g kids chose to dance next year, as it seems like a really strong program.

Tonight for homework, students should be putting the finishing touches on their Science Fairs. Reminder: double check over the pink booklet to ensure that you have followed the instructions completely. This is a great exercise in self-guided organization and achievement.

Please review for the Math test tomorrow - ensure that you can compare, order, add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals!

Thanks, everyone!

Earth Day Eco-Art

Ms. Scott is organizing a really fun art activity in preparation for Earth Day! It's called eco-art, and it's a great way to redefine garbage and recycling in our lives! Feel free to complete your masterpiece at home, but be sure to bring it in to Ms. Scott before Monday, April 20th!

Here are the guidelines:
  • Your masterpiece must be made completely of items taken from your garbage or recycling.
  • It must be appropriate size to display in the lobby.
  • It must stand on its own, or hang from the wal.
  • It should reflec your creativity, and passion for saving the earth!
You can do this project on your own, with your friends or with your siblings! So get dirty and good luck with the eco-art challenge, 5G!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The beginning of a beautiful week...

Wow -- what a day! The view from the classroom is truly stunning today and our spirits are soaring. We are in the final countdown mode for the remainder of the year and it is jam packed with fun things!

On Friday, we studied the art work of the famous Spanish painter, Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso (a.k.a PICASSO!). We examined the way he represented people to capture their spirit or essence, rather than a literal portrayl of their appearance. 5G created portraits of a person of their choice to show the many sides of their subject, the complexity of the human spirit and the beauty of art. Please drop by to see even more! Some of the beautiful products are showcased in today's post.

Tonight's reminders:
  • Come in P.E. kit and pack Number One for the dance performance at Kay Meek tomorrow afternoon.
  • Complete the bright yellow spelling sheet (due Wednesday) focusing on comparatives and superlatives.
  • Study for the Decimals math test on Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Continue working on Science Fair (due next Tuesday)
  • Return the green permission form for Camp Squeah on Thursday.
  • Problem Solving duotang (a complete homework check!) is due for Ms. Gould on Thursday. It is imperative that you be organized and hand in your work on time!

Important Date announcement for your calendar's!
5G Cafe Concert will be held on Monday, May 25th from 11:0 to 12:30.
Please clear your calendar and plan to be blown away by 5G's fantastic performance in their French plays!

Have a wonderful afternoon in the sun, 5G! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2

Hi everyone,

Just a few reminders for tonight:

  • The rough draft of any and all completed Science Fair components are due tomorrow. Please just hand in a copy of your material - save your originals to continue working on over the weekend.
  • Come dressed in proper P.E. kit in the morning, and pack your civvies for the remainder of the day. Bring three bottles for the Spring Fair Bottle drive (0r $20, please!)
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Finish Math homework. 5G Math will ensure that pages 237 - 240 are completed (class time was given) as well as the four daily questions to practice multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000!
  • Complete Problem Solving for Ms. Gould.
Several important forms are due:
  • Better Life due Fri April 3
  • Bowling permission form due Fri April 3
  • Scholastics due Tues April 7
  • Camp permission form due Thurs April 9
Thanks, everyone!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We had a wonderful time at Fort Langley today - pictures will be coming soon! On that note - a "Winter in Review" slide show will be posted this week, as well!

We learned many great things at the Fort today. We saw how life was lived firsthand - the differences in accommodation and occupation between the owners and the workers, how heavy the bales of fur were for the voyageurs to carry, how barrels were made by the Coopers and how Blacksmiths created amazing things in their forge. It was really great, and the weather was beautiful.

Tonight for homework:
  • Number One uniform and pack Spirit wear.
  • Science Fair! (rough draft due Friday)
  • Plural crossword puzzle due tomorrow.
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Problem Solving problems for Ms. Gould.
  • Any Math set homework?
  • Yellow bowling permission form due on Friday.
  • Better Life coffee form due on Friday.
  • Scholastic due April 7th
Thanks, everyone! Enjoy the sunshine!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Looking at the week ahead...

Hello everyone,

It is going to be a great week! We go to Fort Langley tomorrow to step back into the past and learn about the history of BC and the Fur Trade!


**Please come dressed for the weather. Civvies are allowed, but please ensure that you are wearing sensible footwear and proper outer wear (if it is raining, be prepared with a jacket and a hood!).

**Please bring a lunch that does not require microwaving. Pack this lunch in a little day bag (no backpacks with big rollers!) to be stored in the Fort while we walk around. We'll eat at 12 and then have some time to play before we board the bus back to school to carry on our learning by planning the building of our own Fort!

** Cameras are welcome, but iPods and other electronics are not. It's a good idea to bring a book in your day bag for the bus ride!

  • Tonight for homework, please continue to work on your Science Fair. I will collect a copy (not originals) of all student work on Friday to check in. Please be prepared.
  • The spelling crossword (working with plurals) is due on Wednesday.
  • Quinten, Dylan and Nan will be playing their Recorders in the assembly on Wednesday. Congratulations for reaching the Black Belt level!
  • Spring Fair Bottle Drive on Friday (more civvies! more fun!) Bring three bottles for the Drive.
  • Scholastic book orders are due on Tuesday, April 7th. Almost everyone is on to the Third book for 39 Clues -- it looks like a great one and Scholastic has a great deal.
  • Decimal test on Wednesday, April 8th - be prepared to perform the four operations with decimals, as well as comparing, ordering and solving problems!
Thanks, everyone. Enjoy your evening!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy weekend!

We had a wonderful week together! Today we celebrated the hard work of four students: Zakia, Danesh, Jenny and Dillon. Min Jee deserves recognition for placing Second in the Legion essay contest! We have an incredibly talented class.

Please have a safe and happy weekend, and continue to work diligently on your Science Fair!

See you on Monday!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I apologize it has taken me so long to post - my internet connection at home has been down.

Here are some reminders for tonight:
* Bring Library books
* Math (5G should complete pages 234, 235 and 236 in Jump -- class was given to work on this, so it is not as daunting as it looks!).
* Come in P.E. kit, pack uniform
* Science Fair!
* Read for 20 minutes (Book Report coming up!)
* Rugby in a.m.
* Return permission forms for Co-Currics

Here is a quick glance at the term ahead!

Fort Langley on Tues March 31 (Civvies - dress warmly!)
Fri April 3 - Bottle Drive -- civvies! Bring three bottles to donate
Fri April 10 - Good Friday - no school
Mon April 13 - Easter Monday - no school
Wed April 15 - Science Fair 5 p.m.
Fri April 24 - Grade 5 trip to Morven to learn about the exciting times ahead of us in Grade 6
Mon April 27 - Jeans Day! please bring $2 for the Children's Hospital
Wed April 29 - leave for Camp Squeah!! (return on Fri May 1)
Sat May 2 - Spring Fair
Thurs May 7 - BOOKtopia author talk at Kay Meek - Ben Mikalsen! Check out his website to the left to learn more about this famous author!
Mon June 1 - School photo - Number One uniform
Tues June 2 - 4/5 concert (after school)
Thurs June 11 - last day of school!

Monday, March 23, 2009

And we're off!

Welcome back to what is sure to be an excellent Third Term together! I enjoyed hearing about the adventures 5G students had, and tonight I will read their excellent third-person perspective stories!

Here are a few reminders for tonight:
  • Come in P.E. kit and bring your uniform.
  • Continue to work on your Science Fair.
  • Complete the hot-pink Analogies Spelling homework.
  • Read for 20 minutes to prepare for an upcoming Book Report!

Thanks, everyone! Have a wonderful night!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's the final countdown!

The students of 5G have been working intensely to complete out Second Term units of study. Congratulations for an amazing term!

Tonight, students have quite a lot to do!
  • Come to school in the morning.
  • Return Problem Solving test with Parent signature if not yet done so.
  • Scholastic orders final due date.

Thank you and good night!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hi all,

  • Please remember to come in your sharp Number One uniform tomorrow for our Class Photo!
  • We will be having Spirit in the afternoon - pack those House Socks if you have them!
  • Problem Solving tests must be signed tonight and returned for Ms. Gould.

Thank you!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Last week before March Break!

Hello all,

The weather has been funny up on the mountain today, but the rain has held off to reveal a beautiful day!

Here is the homework for tonight:

  • Wrestling is canceled tomorrow morning.
  • P.E. is canceled tomorrow - please come to school in regular uniform.
  • Rugby is on - those boys and girls can bring their P.E. strip to change into.
  • Spelling sheet on consonant blends with 'h' due tomorrow.
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Get your Rodeo Day costume in order -- Friday is going to be a great day!
  • Any Math homework that needs to be completed for sets tomorrow.
  • Sign and return Problem Solving test for Ms. Gould.
  • Last call for Scholastic orders - please return by Thursday.
  • Reminder: no after school daycare on Friday - happy March break to all! :)
Thank you and good night!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday night homework

Pink Shirt Day was a huge success! We saw some great skits and heard some powerful writing about the symbolism behind letting your actions speak louder than your words during this event. Mr. Hatch came by to take some photos and he even had a few moments to hear Min Jee's wonderful essay.

5G had a science quiz today, and this very likely highlighted the areas students still need to study. Not many students have been taking advantage of Study Hall to further their understanding. I will remind you that it is your responsibility to learn. Use the resources that are available to you!

  • Math (5G should complete Thousandths page and "Decimals are different"). We had a short quiz today reviewing basic fraction skills. Be sure to share your results at home!
  • Come in P.E kit and bring proper uniform.
  • Return Library books.
  • Bring recorders.
  • Review for Poetry (test on Monday).
  • Review for Science (test on Wednesday). Tonight, why not focus on the two methods of digestion. Aim to understand!
  • Be happy!
Good night, 5G!
Feel better soon, Scott!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Public Speaking Celebration AND Lucky Stiff - all in one day!

Wow - what a day! 5G was superbly behaved all day, and I am so proud to be their teacher!

Tonight, students will complete pages 31 and 32 in their Digestive System orange booklet. We began this together as a class today, and this should provide a useful review for a top secret pop quiz tomorrow.

We are celebrating Pink Shirt Day tomorrow! The pink shirts will be handed out to each student tomorrow morning, so that we present a united front to stand up against bullying. The power of solidarity is astounding, and I know that this symbolic event will be a great moment in our on-going journey of development. Check an upcoming issue of the North Shore News to see the shining faces of Grade 5! Reminder - students can wear civvies on the bottom tomorrow.

There is a Problem Solving quiz tomorrow, and to fully prepare for this, students should complete the package for Ms. Gould. This package is also due tomorrow!

We celebrated the achievements of our Silver medal winners today - Sofia, Zakia and Mikayla! Congratulations, ladies!

Thank you, 5G! Have a great evening!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday night reminders

Hello all,

The Boys and Girls Basketball teams were away at the CAIS celebration today, so 5G was running at a pretty low number! We spent some time reviewing number sense by playing some increasingly difficult number games (and in the process we reviewed some geometry vocabulary and the concept of digital roots). Fraction Bingo capped off a fun math-filled day.

Homework tonight:
  • Come in sharp Number One uniform. Spirit is canceled tomorrow, so your bags should be lighter!
  • Quiz yourself by labeling the diagrams you have (the yellow booklet). Aim for comprehension - so be able to explain the path of the important substance (food or air) through the body! Practicing this will ensure that you can accurately label and understand any diagram, rather than just memorizing the order!
  • Complete your Problem Solving package for Ms. Gould by Thursday. You have a Problem Solving quiz on Thursday!
  • Invest some time reviewing fractions if that unit was a challenge for you. Choose one skill to focus on each night (converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, simplifying answers, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions). You can make up the two or three terms you need to practice. Learning takes patience and perseverance, 5G, so aim for success and practice away until these skills become natural. It is possible that it may take months for you to fully master these fractions skills, and that is okay! Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • Watch the Habs beat the Canucks (Ha ha, that one was for you, Victor!)
Good night, 5G! Keep smiling!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Hello everyone,

I am so happy to be the teacher of such a great group of people! It has been an amazing week - the speeches on Monday, our Digestion System plays today (were you the stomach, the liver, the small intestine or the large intestine?) and the Parent-Teacher Interviews tonight have all been fantastic!

I hope that Jay is feeling better soon, and that Dylan and Quinten enjoy the interior. We'll miss you three boys tomorrow!

Here are a few reminders for tonight:

  • Math: 5G should complete the Hundredths page in the "Delightful Decimal" booklet
  • Science: Respiratory review sheet - practice your fill-in-the-blank skills!
  • Jump Rope for Heart tomorrow - bring pledge forms
  • Be dressed in P.E. kit
  • Bring Number One uniform for Judging 1:30 - 3:00
  • Bring $5 or $10 for Australian Relief Fund tomorrow
  • Music: written Recorder quiz tomorrow

Thank you!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


What a beautiful day!

Here are a few helpful reminders for 5G tonight:
  • Early dismissal on Thursday, February 20th -- Grade 5 is dismissed at 1:55 pm. Bus children will go to daycare until the regular bus to Morven departure time.
  • Page 4. 2 in the Orange Digestion booklet should be completed tonight for homework.
  • Speech judging is on Friday, so students should be practicing every night. Focus on great eye contact in the mirror, the intonation of your voice and strength of delivery.

Good night!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Good morning, 5G!

I would like to post a few reminders, as I will be away today:
  • 5G math set homework: Ensure that pages 222-225 are complete in your Jump book. (Two of those pages should have been completed in class today).
  • Complete Page 5 in your orange Digestive System booklet. The information you need to complete this is found on Page 4.
  • Please come in proper Number One uniform in the morning, with your House shirt for the House Assembly in the morning. Pack Spirit wear for the afternoon.
  • Be working away on your Jump Rope for Heart pledges - the envelope is due on Friday, February 20th!
  • Friday, February 20th is Ivanhoe Grammar Relief Day in honour of the tragedy of the terrible fires in Australia. On this day, students are asked to bring in either a $5 or $10 bill that will be sent to one of our fellow Round Square schools, Ivanhoe Grammar.
Enjoy your day, and I am looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday morning!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday, Monday

Thank you so much for your support today in our Speech Celebration. The students of 5G blew me away with their amazing delivery, confident voices and command of timing. Their hard work certainly shone through today, and I am excited for Friday!

Tonight for homework, students should complete the K section of the KWL chart in the orange Digestion booklet. The Respiratory and Digestion test will be held on Friday, February 27th. 5G has the Respiratory component nailed, and I am confident that they will succeed!

The blue Poetry booklet also came home tonight, so that students can begin reviewing for their Poetry test on Thursday, February 26th. It is imperative that students understand the meaning of various poetic devices, including smilies, metaphors, alliteration, onomatopoeia and hyperbole.

After you have read a good novel for 20 minutes your homework is complete!

Thank you again for such wonderful work today - I'm off to the swim meet tomorrow, so I'll see you on Wednesday (House Assembly day!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The end of the Respiration unit is near!

We have had a great time learning about the process of respiration and the path of air through the body. Bill Nye the Science Guy's movie was informative and we will cap it all off tomorrow by building a model of the lungs with a plastic water bottle. Please bring in any extra small bottles! Thank you! This will really drive home the role of the diaphragm in breathing.

The focus of tonight should be preparing for the Math test and practicing Speeches. 5G is excited to host our parents on Monday, February 16th at 1:45 pm!

In our quest for organization, everyone did a fabulous job of filling in their month overviews in their agendas. 5G - keep on track by referring to it often!

We will have a small Valentine's Day celebration tomorrow afternoon. I ask that if you chose to bring in Valentine's Day, that you include everyone! Ms. Gretzinger is preparing a special (tasty) treat for everyone tomorrow! We will also celebrate by making posters for the upcoming "Pink Shirt Day" on Thursday, February 26th. Details will follow, but for now, here are some links for you to learn more about this exciting event!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday, February 11th

Winter is back, but hopefully not for long! We are going to build a model of a lung tomorrow, so it would be great if students could bring in small plastic water bottles for our Science block in the afternoon. I'll bring in some extras, as well!

The Math test on Friday is quickly approaching, so I recommend that students spend some time reviewing by practicing a few questions of each operation, varying between whole numbers, mixed numbers and improper fractions for a challenge!

Enjoy your evening!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It was a very busy day today, and it's great to be back. We celebrated Pirooz's and Quinten's birthday today - they both had their special day on Sunday! Tonight for homework:

  • 5G Math - complete page 97 in your Multiplication and Division booklet
  • Science - complete the page describing the path of air through the body. We are really getting into the unit now, and it is important that students understand the vocabulary and process of the Respiratory System.
  • Come in a sharp Number One uniform, and bring proper Spirit wear
  • Speeches are all on cue cards now, and fully memorized. Work on incredible delivery!
Have a great evening - see you in the morning!

Friday, February 6, 2009


What a beautiful day! I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe long weekend that is filled with many moments of laughter, relaxation and love.

There are a few pressing academic events coming up, so while I hope you enjoy your break, I also hope that you spend some time reviewing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions (that includes knowing how to handle mixed numbers, improper fractions and whole numbers!). Twenty minutes a day of review will help you immensely for your test!

It is imperative that you practice your speech, and thankfully you can do that anywhere (driving up to Whistler, on a lovely walk through your neighbourhood or even in the bath!). I am so excited to hear the final product next week!

Enjoy your weekend, 5G, and thank you for such a wonderful week together!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


We had a great day today - the fresh spring-like air really filled up our lungs today (as our diaphragm contracted and expanded our rib cage to allow our lungs to fill with air, right 5G?!). We are really in the full swing of our Respiratory unit now, and our heart rate lab today was really informative!

Here are a few reminders for tonight:
  • Get Circulatory test signed, and return.
  • Any Math set homework (multiplication time!)
  • Problem Solving is due for Ms. Gould tomorrow
  • Music homework is due on Tuesday
  • Come in P.E. kit, and bring your uniform!
  • Enjoy a good novel for 20 minutes or so
Speeches are really coming along, and I am so excited for the children to showcase their speeches. It is so important to practice speaking in front of a mirror, maintaining strong eye contact (that means memorization!) and speaking with wonderful intonation, emphasis and flow. Smiling when you speak will help your speech sound lively and interesting. Let the speech flow, and don't be afraid to have some fun!

See you in the morning! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009


Happy Monday!

The flu is making its rounds through the school, so it is very important to get a great sleep, eat healthy foods, drink lots of water and to wash hands frequently! 5G is a great class, and I want you all to be healthy!

For homework tonight, students will complete "Activity Two" in the Respiratory System booklet Labeling a Diagram of the lungs. Please use the answers from "Activity One" to help you complete this. This is going to be a fun and easy unit, connecting the ideas we learned in the Circulatory System to the actual process of acquiring oxygen through the lungs. It is important to review the new knowledge often to ensure success in the unit.

Tomorrow, students will come to school in their P.E. kit, bring recorders, pack their uniform and also bring an old shirt for the Pig Heart Dissection (!!) at 11:00 am. Parents - interested in joining? Come on in!

Problem Solving will be due on Friday, February 6th. Students who have missed today due to illness or the basketball game are still responsible for completing this work!

Today, 5G was very lucky to listen to a presentation from Grade 6 students Safir and Zoe. These model students outlined for the class what they can expect from the transition to Morven. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask me as we go through the year.

Have a wonderful and healthy night! Ms. Gretzinger's brothers, sister and nephew are here from Ontario - woo hoo!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


We ran through many speeches today, and the children sound amazing! It is really important to practice these speeches to the point of memorization, so that you can really showcase your writing with confident eye contact and expression!

** Students must bring speeches each day until the Finals**

  • 5G Math homework: Jump page 219 and return your Math test with a parent signature.
  • Please make sure that you are prepared for Music in the morning with your recorder and black binder.

Enjoy your night!

Overview of the current Math Unit

To help guide your thinking, here is an overview of the math unit we have just begun:
  • Finding Least Common Denominators
  • Adding and Subtracting Fractions
  • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
  • Applying your knowledge in word problems
This unit will be assessed within the next few weeks (the test date has not yet been determined). It is imperative that students seek help in understanding this material as we move along in the unit - not the day before the final test! All four teachers are here to help!

February at a Glance

February is going to be a great month, and here is an overview for your records at home:
  • Tuesday, February 3rd: Pig Heart Dissection
  • Wednesday, February 4th: Ms. Gretzinger away at a swim meet
  • Monday, February 9th: Mid-term break - no school
  • Monday, February 16th: Parents invited to 5G for a Speech Celebration! 1:40 - 3:10
  • Tuesday, February 17th: Ms. Gretzinger away at a swim meet
  • Thursday, February 19th: Early dismissal 1:55 pm. Parent-Teacher Interviews in the afternoon
  • Friday, February 20th: Jump Rope for Heart. 5G Speech in-class judging 1:30-3:00
  • Monday, February 23rd: Grade 5 Speech semi-finals at 11:50
  • Thursday, February 26th: Poetry Test

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Making blood

I spy with my little eye....

Most people may see water, food colouring, popcorn, Cherrios and marshmallows, but I know that 5G sees the four parts of BLOOD!

Can you correctly name the parts of blood, and their important jobs?
Of course you can!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Monday!

Hello from the library,

What a beautiful day! My meeting is on a break so I thought I'd post a few reminders for tomorrow:

* P.E. kit in the morning - please pack your uniform.
* Study for Math (test on Tuesday)
* Study for Science (test on Thursday) -- there is a great link to the left (Science textbook quiz) that could be a great way to prepare!

I hope you had a great day with our supply, Ms. Scott and I am looking forward to being back with 5G tomorrow!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


With the two tests next week, homework tonight mostly consists of studying. We had two Science quizzes today - the labeling of the heart was returned today for studying purposes (many children achieved perfect - well done, 5G!), and the larger one (longer essay explaining the path of blood through the body) will hopefully be returned by tomorrow.

Come in P.E. kit and bring your recorders! C'est tout!

Congratulations to Scott, Quinten and Dylan for winning house points this afternoon for their fantastic (and spontaneous) cleaning of the classroom!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog Face Lift

Our classroom got a fancy makeover, and so too has our blog!

I've left the position of everything the same so that you can still find the great poll and valuable links to the left, but the tranquil lighthouse is a nice change for the new year. On the main page you will only see posts from the last 20 days (this should decrease the loading time on your computer screen), and to see older entries simply click on the "Older Posts" link on the bottom right hand side of the page.

Thank you!

Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.
Abbé Dimnet, Art of Thinking, 1928

Happy Wednesday!

It is so beautiful to be above the clouds here at Wentworth! The sun in shining and our spirits are bright. We have been working so hard in the Circulatory, Poetry and Fractions units since the holiday, and the knowledge really is being showcased here in 5G. Please feel free to stop by to see the great work we've been up to!

On Monday, January 26th, the rough copy of the speech is due. This will provide us with good material with which to work to prepare for the in-class judging and the parents event. Details of this will be posted this week.

On Tuesday, January 27th, there will be a Fractions Test in Math Sets. Students should know how to create equivalent fractions, demonstrate knowledge of fractions with diagrams (correctly drawn!), change between mixed numbers and improper fractions and understand how to get a fraction of a whole number (what is 1/4th of 16?). Discuss with your math teacher to get more details!

On Thursday, January 29th, we will celebrate our hard work in Science with a Circulatory Test. A proper review for this will be sent home soon, but in the meantime, please ensure that you know the function of the circulatory system, the names and jobs of the different parts of blood and the path of blood through the body (be sure to use words like -- upper and lower vena cava, left and right atria and ventricles, pulmonary veins and arteries, the aorta and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide). Act it out, draw it out, trace it out on your body -- you can do it!! Remember the goals we made at the beginning of the year - ask yourself what it means to meet expectations, and then what kind of answer may exceed expectations? Expect the best from yourself because you are all very smart young people!

Scholastic orders are due on Thursday, January 29th.

The Aquarium trip is quickly approaching - I am so excited! Friday, January 30th is going to a wonderful time to learn and have fun together!

This is looking far into the future, but we will also test the Poetry unit during the week of February 16th (exact date to be determined). 5G knows that the best way to study is to understand and review knowledge on a DAILY basis - not the night before! So now is the time to really nail down the difference between similes and metaphors. 5G works like busy bees in the hive (I used "like" so it's a simile!). The puppet show in assembly was a ray of sunshine in my day (it wasn't really - I was connecting two concepts without "like" or "as" - it's a metaphor!) Being prepared will help you get the most from your learning and decrease your stress level. Also don't forget that the entire staff of Wentworth is here to help you achieve your best, so tak to any of us to help you manage your time, understand concepts or just for a chat!

Tonight for homework:
  • Math
  • Science: Circulatory booklet -- Complete "Don't miss the boat". We will have a small quiz tomorrow using this exact concept, so be sure to complete it thoroughly!
  • Bring your recorder to prepare for Music class on Friday.
  • Boy's basketball practice at 6:45 am and a home game tomorrow after school! GO CAVS GO!
  • Be happy.

Monday, January 19, 2009


What a day! We began our poetry unit in full force today by studying the poetic devices similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia. Tonight for homework, students will analyze their favourite song lyrics for poetic element (to be completed on the given page). Students are welcome to bring music in tomorrow to share with the class (optional, of course!)

Please wear your P.E. kit and bring your uniform to change into.

See you in the morning! :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hello everyone!

We had a really fun day today making 5 L of blood (actually how much we have in our bodies!), and learning even more about the job of blood cells. I'll post a photo of this later tonight when I get home. To keep the knowledge of the day fresh, tstudents need to complete two pages from the Circulatory Booklet for homework- one sheet will require the Science Probe textbook, Section 5.3 "Your Blood and What it Does", and the back of that page is also due tomorrow "The Blood". It won't take too long, and will be a great way to reinforce what we covered in class!

Please bring your Recorders to school tomorrow for Music class (you will have to bring this every Friday). Come dressed in P.E. and pack your uniform for the rest of the day.

Math homework is recorded individually in the agendas, and 5G needs to complete pages 199-202 in the Jump book. Math tests need to be signed and returned.

There is a Spelling quiz tomorrow, and we had class time today to review for this. I know that everyone is going to soar on this one! :)

Good night!