Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two weeks today!

We watched the 2/3 concert today and it was great! We have been very busy in class finishing up some major term projects - our Iqbal portfolios, our Literature Circles, our Writer's Workshop Fractured Fairytales, our Natural Resources project AND completing some work at the Simple Machines station. There is always lots to do, and students are rising to the challenge independently guiding their learning to finish strong!!

For tomorrow:
  • Please come in your P.E. kit and bring your uniform. We are going to have a run through of the 4/5 play tomorrow and I'm so excited to see it!
  • Your Natural Resource project presentation will be at 11 am - I am also excited to see those! :)
  • Please complete pages 5 and 6 in your Simple Machines booklet if you did not finish this in class.
  • Better Life coffee due Friday -- Dillon, Matt, Nancy and Danesh return Library books -- everyone return yellow Problem Solving duotangs for Ms. Gould and any outstanding tests -- textbooks!!!
Enjoy the beautiful weather!

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