Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We had a great day today - Zakia performed her dance in assembly and Matt, Jay, Shae, Dylan, Dillon, Quinten, Nicole H. and Sofia were all celebrated for their Athletic Achievements this term!

Tonight for homework, it is imperative that students have committed their Cafe Concert lines to memory with lots of expression!

The Natural Resources project deadline will sneak up on you if you are not working on it often. Consider what it means to exceed expectations, and go for it!

Tonight, please read Chapter 9.1 and 9.2 in the Science textbook and complete the Check Your Understanding (Seven questions in total). Organize your answer on a lined piece of paper with a correct title and complete sentence answer. Reminder: Venn diagrams are two circles that illustrate similarities and differences.

The pink sheet for Ms. Gould's Problem Solving class is due next week!

For 5G Math set, students should be working on the 5G Puzzlers package that is a compilation of your own individual review questions. The Measurement Test is on Friday, May 22, and this package will help you to review. Please practice converting between measurements (dm - cm, km - m, etc.) - you can do this on your own or with the help of the links on the left!

Oral Book Reports are still going on - please keep yourselves organized! Scott and Mikayla are both scheduled to present on Thursday - if you two are well enough to present tomorrow that would be great, but if you're still sick please don't stress out about it! Pirooz is also on deck to go on Thursday! I have so enjoyed hearing about the wonderful novels you have been reading!

See you in the morning!

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