Friday, May 22, 2009

For the weekend!

What a beautiful day! I hope that you all enjoy the weekend! :)

Cafe Concert is on Monday - students MUST bring in their costume in the morning! I am so excited to see the final product of your hard work!

Review for your Natural Resources test on Monday. Recall the game we played for the oil spill clean up options! CAFS - contain (boom, boom, boom), absorb (cheerleader style!), fire (burn, baby, burn) and soap (repel!!). Teach your loved ones at home the game and keep learning! :)

The yellow Sports Day notice that was sent home today is important - please review and return with your lunch choices.

Ms. Gould's pink Problem Solving package is due on Monday - be organized, please!

Reminder: Next Friday, May 29th is the last hot lunch day.

See you on Monday, 5G (unless you'll be at the track meet this weekend, in which case - I'll see you there)!!

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