Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday night reminders

Hello all,

The Boys and Girls Basketball teams were away at the CAIS celebration today, so 5G was running at a pretty low number! We spent some time reviewing number sense by playing some increasingly difficult number games (and in the process we reviewed some geometry vocabulary and the concept of digital roots). Fraction Bingo capped off a fun math-filled day.

Homework tonight:
  • Come in sharp Number One uniform. Spirit is canceled tomorrow, so your bags should be lighter!
  • Quiz yourself by labeling the diagrams you have (the yellow booklet). Aim for comprehension - so be able to explain the path of the important substance (food or air) through the body! Practicing this will ensure that you can accurately label and understand any diagram, rather than just memorizing the order!
  • Complete your Problem Solving package for Ms. Gould by Thursday. You have a Problem Solving quiz on Thursday!
  • Invest some time reviewing fractions if that unit was a challenge for you. Choose one skill to focus on each night (converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, simplifying answers, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions). You can make up the two or three terms you need to practice. Learning takes patience and perseverance, 5G, so aim for success and practice away until these skills become natural. It is possible that it may take months for you to fully master these fractions skills, and that is okay! Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • Watch the Habs beat the Canucks (Ha ha, that one was for you, Victor!)
Good night, 5G! Keep smiling!

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