Thursday, February 12, 2009

The end of the Respiration unit is near!

We have had a great time learning about the process of respiration and the path of air through the body. Bill Nye the Science Guy's movie was informative and we will cap it all off tomorrow by building a model of the lungs with a plastic water bottle. Please bring in any extra small bottles! Thank you! This will really drive home the role of the diaphragm in breathing.

The focus of tonight should be preparing for the Math test and practicing Speeches. 5G is excited to host our parents on Monday, February 16th at 1:45 pm!

In our quest for organization, everyone did a fabulous job of filling in their month overviews in their agendas. 5G - keep on track by referring to it often!

We will have a small Valentine's Day celebration tomorrow afternoon. I ask that if you chose to bring in Valentine's Day, that you include everyone! Ms. Gretzinger is preparing a special (tasty) treat for everyone tomorrow! We will also celebrate by making posters for the upcoming "Pink Shirt Day" on Thursday, February 26th. Details will follow, but for now, here are some links for you to learn more about this exciting event!

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