Thursday, February 5, 2009


We had a great day today - the fresh spring-like air really filled up our lungs today (as our diaphragm contracted and expanded our rib cage to allow our lungs to fill with air, right 5G?!). We are really in the full swing of our Respiratory unit now, and our heart rate lab today was really informative!

Here are a few reminders for tonight:
  • Get Circulatory test signed, and return.
  • Any Math set homework (multiplication time!)
  • Problem Solving is due for Ms. Gould tomorrow
  • Music homework is due on Tuesday
  • Come in P.E. kit, and bring your uniform!
  • Enjoy a good novel for 20 minutes or so
Speeches are really coming along, and I am so excited for the children to showcase their speeches. It is so important to practice speaking in front of a mirror, maintaining strong eye contact (that means memorization!) and speaking with wonderful intonation, emphasis and flow. Smiling when you speak will help your speech sound lively and interesting. Let the speech flow, and don't be afraid to have some fun!

See you in the morning! :)

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