Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Public Speaking Celebration AND Lucky Stiff - all in one day!

Wow - what a day! 5G was superbly behaved all day, and I am so proud to be their teacher!

Tonight, students will complete pages 31 and 32 in their Digestive System orange booklet. We began this together as a class today, and this should provide a useful review for a top secret pop quiz tomorrow.

We are celebrating Pink Shirt Day tomorrow! The pink shirts will be handed out to each student tomorrow morning, so that we present a united front to stand up against bullying. The power of solidarity is astounding, and I know that this symbolic event will be a great moment in our on-going journey of development. Check an upcoming issue of the North Shore News to see the shining faces of Grade 5! Reminder - students can wear civvies on the bottom tomorrow.

There is a Problem Solving quiz tomorrow, and to fully prepare for this, students should complete the package for Ms. Gould. This package is also due tomorrow!

We celebrated the achievements of our Silver medal winners today - Sofia, Zakia and Mikayla! Congratulations, ladies!

Thank you, 5G! Have a great evening!

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