Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Science Fair Success!

Dear 5G,

I am, as always, so impressed with your hard work, dedication and enthusiasm. 5G shone tonight as they showcased their Scientific Inquiry! I loved to see the looks on your faces as you spoke so proudly and eloquently about your projects, and this was a wonderful opportunity to see how you fared on a major project with minimal help from me. This is a safe opportunity for you and I to both find out how your organizational and independent-instruction-following skills are before they take centre stage next year in Grade Six! And the results are in - you are all stars!! Congratulations again, 5G!

I will be posting some photos in the next few days -- Fort Langley, Science Fair and months in review slideshows will be coming to a blog near you soon!

A few reminders:

  • Please get math test signed for your math teacher. 5G had an incredible showing on the Number Sense section - an impressive 91% class average! Wonderful!! Problem Solving was, as expected, more of a challenge and our class average was 74%. Please remember to use the strategies you have learned to apply to more difficult questions. Drop by to reinforce your learning at recess and lunch time - I know that with some review of basic principles and careful application of your logical thinking, success is in your future!
  • Be reading for your Oral Book Reports (we will discuss the criteria for this assignment next week)
  • Practice your Bowling skills to prepare for our Buddy Bowling Bonanza on Friday! Parents - please feel free to join us for all or part of the time - score keepers are in high demand! :)
Good night, 5G!

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