Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, Monday

5G welcomed a new Scientific addition to our classroom today - a worm home! It will take a few days to fully set up, but soon we will have a fun way to learn about worms and all they are capable of!

Tonight for homework, please ensure that you are organized for our last full week together before camp.
  • Come in P.E. kit and bring your uniform.
  • Rugby -- 7:30 am tomorrow on the field.
  • Wrestler's -- good luck tomorrow! :)
  • Wednesday, April 22nd - Earth Day Assembly - wear your house t-shirt or any earth-friendly themed t-shirt!
  • Problem Solving quiz for Ms. Gould Mon April 27. You need to know how to find the Lowest Common Multiple, how to use t-charts to organize your information, guess-and-check and determine who is the most important person in a word problem (the person everyone else is compared against). Here is a site that may help you review:
  • Immigration and Founding of Canada Test Mon April 27 - you know what to study! You will rock it!
  • Tomorrow is Garbageless Lunch Day -- WE ARE GOING TO BEAT OUR WEIGH-IN FROM LAST WEEK!! Please bring all of your food and drink tomorrow in reusable containers. Alternatively, bring snacks that are compostable!
  • Friday, April 25th -- meet at Morven at 8:15 am - please join us even if you will not be at that campus next year. It is going to be a fun morning and we'll be back in time for Music. Wear your smartest Number One, please.
  • Please bring in any old newspapers for a Camp Squeah activity we are eagerly getting ready for! Shh -- I'll never tell what they will be for! It's going to be great!

Thank you, everyone!

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