Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2

Hi everyone,

Just a few reminders for tonight:

  • The rough draft of any and all completed Science Fair components are due tomorrow. Please just hand in a copy of your material - save your originals to continue working on over the weekend.
  • Come dressed in proper P.E. kit in the morning, and pack your civvies for the remainder of the day. Bring three bottles for the Spring Fair Bottle drive (0r $20, please!)
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Finish Math homework. 5G Math will ensure that pages 237 - 240 are completed (class time was given) as well as the four daily questions to practice multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000!
  • Complete Problem Solving for Ms. Gould.
Several important forms are due:
  • Better Life due Fri April 3
  • Bowling permission form due Fri April 3
  • Scholastics due Tues April 7
  • Camp permission form due Thurs April 9
Thanks, everyone!

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