Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hello everyone!

We had a really fun day today making 5 L of blood (actually how much we have in our bodies!), and learning even more about the job of blood cells. I'll post a photo of this later tonight when I get home. To keep the knowledge of the day fresh, tstudents need to complete two pages from the Circulatory Booklet for homework- one sheet will require the Science Probe textbook, Section 5.3 "Your Blood and What it Does", and the back of that page is also due tomorrow "The Blood". It won't take too long, and will be a great way to reinforce what we covered in class!

Please bring your Recorders to school tomorrow for Music class (you will have to bring this every Friday). Come dressed in P.E. and pack your uniform for the rest of the day.

Math homework is recorded individually in the agendas, and 5G needs to complete pages 199-202 in the Jump book. Math tests need to be signed and returned.

There is a Spelling quiz tomorrow, and we had class time today to review for this. I know that everyone is going to soar on this one! :)

Good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Still a Michelle fan. Only wish you could've been MY 5th grade teacher!

Danesh's dad in China.

Btw, vis-a-vis snowdays...we almost had one here in Qingdao, China on Christmas Eve! Huge fluffy flakes began wafting down at about 3:AM. Faster and faster until by dawn there was some 8 cm on the ground and snowmen (and car crashes) were popping up everywhere.