Monday, January 12, 2009

Welcome back!

It was so great to see 5G again today after our long and relaxing vacation! We made some New Years Resolutions as a class to focus the remainder of our year together...
  • think of others
  • get involved
  • choose to be kind
  • read more/think more
These broad goals can be interpreted widely, and are in addition to our on going academic goals of being an active learner in the curriculum, being organized and improving our cursive writing skills.

We got straight into routine with our Spelling program this morning. The words this week are from our Circulatory System unit as well as our Making Words program (with a focus on prefixes and suffixes). There will be a spelling quiz on Friday, January 16th. These words are coming home Tuesday evening on a blue sheet for home practice.

A few reminders:
  • P.E. in the morning - please come to school in your full P.E. kit and pack your uniform.
  • There is still snow up here on the mountain, so it is really important to bring snow boots, gloves, hats and proper jackets!
  • Hot lunch forms are due on Wednesday, January 14th.
  • Aquarium sleep over forms are due on Thursday, January 15th.
  • Yellow Better Life coffee forms are due on Friday, January 16th.
  • Begin thinking of a speech topic!
  • Read for 20 minutes (book report assignment coming soon!)

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