Monday, March 30, 2009

Looking at the week ahead...

Hello everyone,

It is going to be a great week! We go to Fort Langley tomorrow to step back into the past and learn about the history of BC and the Fur Trade!


**Please come dressed for the weather. Civvies are allowed, but please ensure that you are wearing sensible footwear and proper outer wear (if it is raining, be prepared with a jacket and a hood!).

**Please bring a lunch that does not require microwaving. Pack this lunch in a little day bag (no backpacks with big rollers!) to be stored in the Fort while we walk around. We'll eat at 12 and then have some time to play before we board the bus back to school to carry on our learning by planning the building of our own Fort!

** Cameras are welcome, but iPods and other electronics are not. It's a good idea to bring a book in your day bag for the bus ride!

  • Tonight for homework, please continue to work on your Science Fair. I will collect a copy (not originals) of all student work on Friday to check in. Please be prepared.
  • The spelling crossword (working with plurals) is due on Wednesday.
  • Quinten, Dylan and Nan will be playing their Recorders in the assembly on Wednesday. Congratulations for reaching the Black Belt level!
  • Spring Fair Bottle Drive on Friday (more civvies! more fun!) Bring three bottles for the Drive.
  • Scholastic book orders are due on Tuesday, April 7th. Almost everyone is on to the Third book for 39 Clues -- it looks like a great one and Scholastic has a great deal.
  • Decimal test on Wednesday, April 8th - be prepared to perform the four operations with decimals, as well as comparing, ordering and solving problems!
Thanks, everyone. Enjoy your evening!

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