Monday, March 2, 2009

Last week before March Break!

Hello all,

The weather has been funny up on the mountain today, but the rain has held off to reveal a beautiful day!

Here is the homework for tonight:

  • Wrestling is canceled tomorrow morning.
  • P.E. is canceled tomorrow - please come to school in regular uniform.
  • Rugby is on - those boys and girls can bring their P.E. strip to change into.
  • Spelling sheet on consonant blends with 'h' due tomorrow.
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Get your Rodeo Day costume in order -- Friday is going to be a great day!
  • Any Math homework that needs to be completed for sets tomorrow.
  • Sign and return Problem Solving test for Ms. Gould.
  • Last call for Scholastic orders - please return by Thursday.
  • Reminder: no after school daycare on Friday - happy March break to all! :)
Thank you and good night!

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