Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday, Monday

Oh, the weather outside is delightful,
And Ms. Gretzinger's hair is frightful,
We've got so many places to go....
Let's get ready for our 4/5 show!

Speakers will meet tomorrow evening for our 4/5 concert at the backstage theatre entrance of Kay Meek at 5:15 pm. Dancers will meet at 5:45, and the rest of the cast will assemble in their black pants at 6:15 pm! The show will conclude by 8:30 pm and it's going to be great!

Tomorrow we will have a dress rehearsal during the day, so students need to come to school in the morning with or in their black pants. BUT -- bring your regular grey pant/kilt bottoms so that the black pants do not get dirty at recess.

It's really important that students wear their House t-shirts to school on Wednesday -- since tomorrow night will be a busy one, please make the effort to pack up and stay organized tonight! :)

Enjoy this beautiful sunshine!

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