Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day!

We had a great morning together and were able to exchange gifts with our buddies - 5G made bookmarks with thoughtful acrostic poems to encourage a love for reading in their Grade Two friends.

The snow is really coming down now, though, and the decision to end school early was a good one. The world is breathtakingly beautiful from up here on the mountain, but getting down in the weather is best done earlier rather than later! Hopefully our day tomorrow can still happen, as we have a great church service planned for the morning. I will post it on the blog and send out an e-mail if tomorrow is canceled due to the weather conditions. It will, of course, also be on the school website.

  • Please wear Number One uniform in the morning for the service.
  • The Hot Lunch forms need to be returned by January 14th.
  • Have lots of fun in the snow tonight!
Good night, 5G, and thank you for being so awesome!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The final week

5G was buzzing today in anticipation of the great fun ahead for us all in the next few weeks. The snow at recess made it all even more exciting! The kids have kept their cool, so to speak, and buckled down to begin learning about the Circulatory System (how the heart pumps blood through the body, the difference between veins, arteries and capillaries and what blood is made of). We will not complete this unit until after the break, but learning about it now combined with playing some games over the break will help 5G achieve great success with this challenging material.

Tomorrow is a busy day:
  • Boys Wrestling practice at 7:45 am
  • P.E. in the morning - everyone must come to school in full P.E. kit and ensure they have outside shoes or boots for recess. Gloves and toques are also a good idea in this cold weather.
  • Math test on time, temperature and graphing
  • Secret Santa and class party in the afternoon - pack your pajamas!
One last thing -- somewhere in this bunch of 29 cute kids are Ms. Gretzinger and Brad in Grade One. Can you spot us?

Friday, December 12, 2008

The last school weekend of 2008

The snow and cold did not dampen the fun in 5G as we watched one of the plays (well done, Group 1 - you portrayed the meaning of Christmas beautifully!), made bookmarks for our Grade 2 Buddies and just rode the excitement of yesterday's wonderful performance. Pictures of the concert will be included in our quickly approaching December in Review slideshow. Thank you so much for coming last night to be a part of such a beautiful concert - those smiling kids on stage surely made us all proud!

Enjoy your weekend together as we put the finishing touches on the year. The yellow Problem Solving duotang is due on Monday for Ms. Gould, so please make sure that you have completed all of the work! Choir is canceled on Monday, so choir kids - please remember to ask your parents to pick you up at regular dismissal time. There is a math test on Tuesday -- time, temperature and graphing! I am so impressed with your Secret Santa thoughtfulness - I know that Tuesday will be full of surprises and thankfulness.

Thank you, and good night.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


As the term draws to a close, the hearts in 5G are getting lighter! We rehearsed for the performance tomorrow and the kids (and teachers) sounded wonderful. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day, and these reminders may help us:

--Please bring black pants for the performance tomorrow. You may come to school in the black pants, but bring your grey uniform pants to change into so that your costume stays clean for tomorrow night. Students will come to school again at 5:30 pm on Thursday night in the black pants, and the performance is expected to finish at 7:30 pm. Tonight, your homework is to get a good nights sleep to get ready for the day!

- 5G will be making their wish lists for the holidays at the Book Fair tomorrow morning, so feel free to stop by the library while you are at school for the concert!

Good night!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday, December 9th

What a great day - the kids began their Wonderful, Exciting Book of Christmas Awesomeness (also known as their Christmas booklet), and there are many brain teasers, crossword puzzles and Mad Libs to keep us busy in these next few days. The group Christmas plays are coming together nicely and I am excited to see the final product later in the week (but please remember to only work on the script when your whole group is with you - so don't be working away on tonight by yourself!)

Tonight, please sign and return the Skeletal and Muscular Systems test. Question 19 was the most challenging question for most children, as it required students to put together all of the knowledge they learned over the entire unit. Good quality answers included information from each of the smaller parts we covered - bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, joints and whether or not the action of walking was voluntary (we came up with some gross consequences if walking was, in fact, involuntary!) Please look over this test with your child, and sign on the front.

A few reminders:

  • Number One uniform in the morning and Spirit clothes for the afternoon. the forecast is rain, rain and more rain, so pack your full tracksuit in case the P.E. department decides to hold Spirit outside.
  • There were TWO indoor recesses today, so if the rain stops it would be a good idea to go outside and play to make sure that you get some fresh air today! Skipping rope and hop scotch are two easy and quick ways to get your heart pumping and your lungs filled with that wonderful west coast air.
Good night!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, Monday

What a day -- we've been busy making Christmas plays, learning a new language (Rebus!) and surfing our way through the pre-holiday madness! It is going to be a really fun week, and there are just a few reminders to be aware of.

  • No need for P.E. kit - Gym class will not be held tomorrow because of the K/1 dress rehearsal in the morning. Students - please come in your regular uniform, and be sure to bring sensible outerwear - jackets are a must in December!
  • Thursday, December 11th - the big day!! I am really excited to see those adorable 5g faces up on stage on Thursday night - please remember to bring black pants and smiles.
  • Tuesday, December 16th - the other big day!! Secret Santa gift exchange and class party.

Enjoy your night!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Students are likely putting some final touches on their review for the Science test tomorrow. Good luck tomorrow, 5G - I'm sure you'll achieve great success!!

There may be math homework in the sets tonight, as the unit test is on Tuesday, December 16th. Reviewing time in both 12 and 24 hour clock formats and the very tricky elapsed time concept is recommended!

The festive store is tomorrow at 11:15, so please remember your shopping bag and money!

Vancouver Aquarium Sleepover

Coming home with your child tonight is an informational package (with a blue cover) detailing the Vancouver Aquarium sleep over opportunity on Friday, January 30th .This is an optional activity, and comes at additional cost. I went along last year and the experience was tremendously exciting. We spent the evening on a private guided tour of the exhibits and had a delicious and healthy bed time snack before falling asleep to the peaceful sounds of the Beluga whales as the graceful creatures floated past the viewing windows. It was truly breathtaking! Note to parents -- if you are able to join us, then please do, but I recommend bringing a small air mattress to sleep on under your sleeping bag -- the floor nearly did me in last year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We had loads of fun today building an arm out of popsicle sticks and understanding the relationship between biceps and triceps in movement. The yellow information sheet came home along with the actual arm model for your continued fun!

Tonight, please complete page one of the prefix booklet - looking at the meaning of uni-, bi- and tri- when placed in front of a root word.

Math homework was likely assigned today - in my math set, students should complete both sides of the blue sheet about graphing. Math test on Tuesday, December 16th will cover time (12 and 24 hour clocks), temperature and graphing.

Please come to school in Number One uniforms and pack your Spirit wear (along with a full track suit).

****Festive Store on Thursday, December 4th****
****Scholastic Book Fair on Thursday, December 11th****
****4/5 Choir Performance on the evening of Thursday, December 11th****
****Secret Santa gift exchange on Tuesday, December 16th ****

Thank you!

Monday, December 1, 2008


The primary focus this week is reviewing for the Science test. Tonight, I encourage students to think about how the skeletal and muscular systems work together to facilitate movement -- how exactly do they achieve this? Your answer would be thorough and have correct language.

Problem Solving homework from Ms. Gould: Finish the two questions in your yellow duotang.

Please read for 20 minutes and be sure to record the information in your agenda.

Enjoy your night!

November in Review

What a month!

The beautiful views of the ocean are actually from our classroom -
just in case you are visiting our blog from another city!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday, November 28

Happy weekend!

It was a great week (the four days I was healthy enough to be here for), and the countdown is on for the remainder of 2008! Here are a few reminders for our last few weeks together...

  • Project H.A.N.D.S. is underway with its House penny drive! Please bring in any loose pennies you have laying around and add them to your house jar in the foyer!
  • Science test on Thursday -- review!
  • The French DVD should be watched four times a week for 10 minutes a day - please mark down these viewings in the agenda and sign for Mme. Keiser.
  • Please return any outstanding library books on Monday.
  • The Festive Store is on Thursday, December 4th. Be sure to come to school with a large shopping bag with handles for all of your purchases. Cash should be brought to school in a Ziploc bag with your name clearly labeled. The checklist at the bottom of the pale green notice sent home last week should also be in the bag. Thank you!
  • Our Scholastic Book Fair is on Thursday, December 11th. We saw a presentation from Mrs. Narwal today about two of her favourite books - Loser by Jerry Spinelli and 39 Clues Book One! Both are excellent books, and would be wonderful considerations at the Book Fair!
  • The red notice sent home today details our Secret Santa endeavour. There is a $15 limit to the exchange (no limit on creativity or thoughtfulness), and we will open the secret gifts on Tuesday, December 16th. We brainstormed today what the word "secret" meant, so I'm sure that the surpise won't be spoiled!!

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Voluntary and Involuntary Muscle Lab

The best way to learn, is to do!

The Science lab about muscle types is a great way to solidify knowledge about involuntary and involuntary muscles (and those muscles that could be classified as both!). This activity can be done in front of a mirror with a timer. Enjoy! We'll share the results tomorrow. The lab is in your Muscle booklet!

The hot pink review sheet is a useful tool to prepare for the test - please practice your note taking skills, cue card strategy and acting out your answers through songs and movements to really understand the material!

Here is that catchy review you performed a few weeks ago!

Spelling quiz tomorrow, and math sets very likely have math homework.

Basketball and Wrestling should come to school with both their uniforms and full P.E. kit.

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Homework tonight!


  • Last call for Operation Christmas Child (due tomorrow)
  • Problem Solving tests must be returned with a signature tomorrow
  • Study spelling for a quiz on Thursday
  • Science Muscular booklet -- two sheets in the booklet will be completed tonight - Masses of Muscles and The Muscle Mystery
  • Math homework (5G math will make corrections on the Elapsed Time Quiz and two-digit multiplication quiz)

See you in the morning in your gorgeous Number Ones and with Photo Retake smiles!

(handsome models)

Taking French to a new level

I love sitting in when Mme. Keiser is teaching French with 5G, and am always impressed with the level of both skill and knowledge. I would love for each and every student to be fully bilingual (so that they may go on to become Prime Minister), and part of that process is fully immersing yourself in the language.

I wandered into Sophia Books downtown over the weekend, and was impressed by the selection of French short stories and novels for children. It is well worth it to explore, and reading a French book or two would be a wonderful New Year's resolution! The store is on West Hastings, and here is the link to their site:

The library is a wonderful resource for French material, and achieving success in this subject is much like any other endeavor - you will get out of your learning what you are willing to put in!

Here are some interesting websites that may also be of interest to you if you are looking to review foundational concepts or to extend your knowledge:

Basic review:

Learning French through games:

Learning about Canada (in French!):


Language Arts class

Hi 5G,

You will need this website to complete our Language Arts lesson today on the laptop cart. Pay careful attention to the Exercise Number on the handout! You will need to click on the red "Interactive Exercise" link for each exercise we complete in class.

Monday, November 24, 2008


We had a great day today, and I know that this week will be a fun one. Tonight, students should sort and copy their spelling words on the yellow sheet. That sheet is yours to keep at home for studying throughout the week.

Students can take home their green Science binder and textbook to study with, but it is so important to return it to school each day. Review sheet to follow this week, but in the meantime, here are some websites to explore in addition to the links to your left:

The yellow Problem Solving duotang is coming home tonight to be completed by Monday, December 1 for Ms. Gould. The problem solving test is coming home tonight, so be sure to review that this evening. Reading clues is so important, and practice makes perfect. Please sign the test tonight by Wednesday at the latest -- if our entire class brings it back on time, Ms. Gould promises 5G a class treat. There is a bright red P.S. information package coming home tonight as well, so please read it to gain more knowledge about the program and strategies this year. That is for you to keep!

P.E. in the morning, so students should come in a full tracksuit and bring their uniform to change into -- even if you have floor hockey at lunch.

Thank you!


This week, students are learning about the long "e" and long "i" differences in sounds when the letter "y" is present at the end of a word. The study is further divided into parts of speech. This means that the words can be sorted into four categories - verbs (all long "i" sounding words), nouns, adjectives and adverbs (the last three word parts are all long "e" sounds at the end of the word).

Students will be working in class to spell these words correctly, as well as the rules for changing the applicable words into plural and past tense variations. Your help at home is, as always, appreciated. Quiz on Thursday, November 27th.

Long i

Long e

Long e

Long e

Friday, November 21, 2008


We made it! It is hard to believe that so much of November has passed, and that our December events are approaching so quickly.

Today in Art class, students created beautiful wire sculptures after learning about American artist, Alexander Calder. The final pieces needed to be connected to nature in some way, and be able to stand freely. This exercise in balance was truly an exercise in patience, as some students discovered that wire could be a stubborn material to work with. Dedication and flexibility contributed to excellent final pieces. We are sorry we couldn't wish Matt a Happy Birthday in person today, so I hope he knows we were thinking about him!

Term One report cards are available on PCR tomorrow (Saturday). Term Two is going to be so great, and I have absolutely loved the beginning of our year together.

Looking ahead:
  • Monday, November 24th: Operation Christmas Child due
  • Tuesday, November 25th: Legacy
  • Wednesday, November 26th: 5G runs assembly; Photo retake day
  • Wednesday, December 3rd: 5G runs assembly
  • Thursday, December 4th: Science test -- Skeletal and Muscular body systems
  • Monday, December 8th: Saleema Noon presentation
  • Thursday, December 11th: 4/5 Christmas concert (please have black dress pants for this event)
  • Wednesday, December 17th: 5G runs assembly
  • Thursday, December 18th: Last day of school - break begins at 3:20 pm!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It was a really great House Assembly this morning, and our 5G host representative did an amazing job! Two of our students were celebrated for their incredible kindness in front of the entire school, and they deserve to be very proud!

We'll be back to completely hosting assemblies next week, so get your best presenting voices ready!

Tonight, students should study for their spelling quiz tomorrow. Just in case you can't find your words...
  • skull
  • maxilla
  • scapula
  • sternum
  • rib
  • ulna
  • radius
  • femur
  • tibia
  • phalanges
  • metatarsals
  • tarsals
  • patella
  • metacarpals
  • carpals
  • sacrum
  • pelvis
  • vertebrae
  • humerus
  • xyphoid process
  • clavicle
  • mandible
  • where OR wear
  • your OR you’re
The kids have been doing so well at learning where all of these bones are, and learning the correct spelling of these difficult words is part of this process! Write out each word several times, cut out some letters and rearrange them, make a song to help you remember a few of the more difficult ones -- what ever your strategy is, get to it tonight!

Math homework tonight across the board, and students should also be reading a good chapter book. It's always fun to read aloud and practice your fluency and expression so consider that to spice up your nightly reading if you are getting bored.

Enjoy your night!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tim Horton kindness

I don't know who you are, but you are a good person who understands my love for a good fritter. Thank you very much to the mystery parent/student who delivered this tasty treat on the eve of report cards!

Tuesday, November 18th

Legacy was an amazing success this morning! Thank you so much to everyone who participated this morning, and I am looking forward to another great round tomorrow!

Tonight, students should complete the Bones Package - read the information about Joints and complete the assignment based on that knowledge, and then have some fun completing the other two fun sheets.

Tomorrow is a House Assembly, so students will wear their House t-shirts over their Number One uniform, and pack clothes for Spirit in the afternoon.

5BR Math kids - please get your math test signed!

That's all, folks!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, Monday

Tonight, students should be preparing for the challenging spelling quiz this week (which will actually happen, by the way, because it is scheduled for Thursday and not our busy, busy Friday!) by reviewing the words and creating a poem (or two) using at least 8 of those words! We will publish them in a beautiful way tomorrow, so tonight just focus on getting your ideas down and having them sound great!

Please read for 20 minutes and record the title and author in your agenda.

Please come to school in your P.E. kit with full tracksuit, and pack your uniform to change into.

Our first Legacy morning is tomorrow - it's going to be great!

Friday, November 14, 2008

5G: Greatest Class in the History of Classes

Dear 5G,

You are an amazing class, and I am so proud of you for all of your hard work, creative ideas and exuberant energy this term! You have been incredible to teach, and I know that these last few weeks of 2008 are going to be wonderful!

Ms. Gretzinger

Enjoy your weekend!

Coats for Kids - Collingwood Charity Drive!

The approaching season is such a wonderful time to think about our lives and all we have been given, and what we can do to spread joy to others - to our families, friends and strangers. Joy is an incredible feeling, and when we are kind towards others it is multiplied exponentially.

There are so many ways to accomplish this goal, and this morning information was shared with me about another such opportunity. A family at our school, the Negus-Stevenson's are asking other families to donate gently used, clean coats and jackets to help children in need in the Vancouver area (downtown and the North Shore) stay warm this winter. For every coat/jacket donated, the Negus-Stevenson Family Trust will donate $25 to a maximum of $10,000 to Collingwood School (wow!). If this drive interests you and your family, bring your coats to the front lobby between now and December 1st!

Thank you!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Track Suits: Fact vs. Fiction

Should kids wear track suits in November when they come to school in P.E. kit (or at any point need to change into their P.E. kit)? Survey says: YES!!

The November weather is often unpredictable, and it is important that students are warm and dry to keep them operating at their very best. Wearing a track suit is an important part of that goal.

Tomorrow, students should come to school in P.E. kit in the morning (along with their track suit bottom and top). Students should pack their uniform to change into. Parents of boys in 5G - if you notice that your son is missing a pair of grey pants, they are in our class Lost & Found - I've shown the boys but no takers so far!)

Thank you for your help in keeping 5G'ers warm, healthy and happy.


Hello all,

Underground to Canada novel study projects have been coming together so beautifully, and I am excited to see them in their final form tomorrow, Friday, November 14th. My last plea is to review the criteria of the assignment in the instruction book - it outlines EXACTLY how to achieve marks in each project, and today it became clear that some students have not been referring to the rubric to know the expectations exactly. For example, the Report Card assignment specifically requests details from the novel to support the choice of marks (to be included in detailed comment portion), and yet many students did not include ANY details from the book. Examples are always important!! Thank you for your on-going support and encouragement at home in keeping such detailed logs on the yellow contract. This has greatly helped your child to stay organized and accountable!

Please also return the yellow Better Life coffee forms tomorrow along with any Photo Retake Forms!

Enjoy the sunshine!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 12th

Hello all,

Hope you enjoyed your long weekend, and that you are ready to rock for our short week together!

5G kicked off our assemblies with a bang - our presenters and hosts were incredible models for the rest of the school, and it will be an exciting process to develop our public speaking and leadership skills over the next few months.

Tonight, students should continue to review for the Math test tomorrow. The novel study project is due on Friday. We will have a large work period tomorrow to devote to the project. Remembrance Day submissions are due tomorrow - please sign the paperwork tonight and return to school in the morning. And lastly, Better Life coffee forms are due on Friday!


Good night!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday, November 6th

The presentation by the Vancouver Symphony at the Orpheum this morning was incredible! We journeyed through time to hear pieces of classical music that were truly breathtaking! The children were so well behaved, and certainly made me proud with their maturity.

Tonight, students should study for their spelling test by completing their word search. To continue our study of the human skeleton, students are going on a search-and-find in your household for examples of the two types of joints - hinge and ball-and-socket. Exploring is a much better way to understand than mere memorization!

Please come to school in your P.E. kit tomorrow (with your complete track suit as the weather has now turned much colder!), and pack your uniform to change into.

Good night!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday, November 5th

Just a few reminders for tonight...

  • Number One uniform for the Symphony trip tomorrow morning. We will leave at 9 am, so there is no need to come early.
  • There is a Problem Solving assessment in math class today, so students have one extra day of grace if they have not completed their math homework! It is so, so important to be practicing at home in preparation for the upcoming test.
  • As it gets colder, please remember to wear track suit bottoms and tops when in P.E. strip. Please label these items with your name to help decrease confusion!
  • Coming home tonight is a fun skeleton to build at home! These pieces look best when they are attached in a way that allows movement (so attaching the pieces with pipe cleaner, string or thumb tacks). Making this fun craft together will be a great way to reinforce the vocabulary of this unit, and will be a valuable hands-on resource for home review. In class we are discussing the function of some key bones...What does your skull protect? What does your spine protect? What does your rib cage protect? Food for thought....

Enjoy your night, and I am really excited for the symphony trip in the morning!

If we are to attain real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a war against war, we will have to begin with the children.

Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday night homework

It ended up being a beautiful autumn day and it is a wonderful season to witness the changes around us. I sat near a girl on the bus this weekend who was discussing her New Year's plans - I was shocked! Thankfully, we are not there yet.

Tonight, the primary focus should be completing math homework and ensuring that basic skills like multi-digit multiplication problems...

x 68

...are mastered, and that long division is beginning to make sense. Practice makes perfect!

Please also sign and return the Government test, read for 20 minutes and be prepared to wear your Number One uniform in the morning with your Spirit wear packed for the afternoon. Most children have completed the Problem Solving package for Ms. Gould, but if this is not yet done please make certain that you have it done for the morning! The more math you do, the more you will succeed!

Enjoy your evening, 5G!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday, November 3rd

The IMAX trip was a huge success this morning - The Human Body movie was a wonderful introduction to this fun unit! The Wild Ocean 3D movie was indeed wild - the kids had a great time trying to touch the beautiful dolphins and sharks as they came perilously close to our faces!

It would be a wise idea to continue thinking about skeletons tonight as the information is still fresh. If you are meat eaters, perhaps your dinner preparation could include a look at the bones! There are plenty of interesting websites for children to learn about the human skeleton in fun and interactive way - here is one for you to check out!

Tonight, please review our spelling words for the quiz on Friday. We tried an exciting new form of spelling today - making words! The children received 12 letters and had to construct as many words as possible from those letters. It is a great way to learn about the addition of prefixes and suffixes to words to change meaning. The bonus word was difficult (no one was able to find it!), and the 25 words for this week are primarily from this exercise. 5 of the 25 words are inspired by the upcoming skeletal unit - it is full of challenging vocabulary and it best to get right into it!

Government unit tests are coming home tonight - please review, sign and return. The "Great Canadian" awards are yours to keep - congratulations to 5G for learning so much about Canada in this unit!

Continue the practice of reading a great novel for 20 minutes, please, and record the title and author.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Looking into November

Here is an outline of the month of November, as I know it so far!

  • Monday, November 3rd: IMAX trip to see The Human Body and Wild Ocean. Please wear Number One uniform and pack a disposable snack. This will be a great kick-off to our Human Body: Human Skeleton unit.
  • Wednesday, November 5th: Remembrance Day assembly. Number One uniform.
  • Thursday, November 6th: Vancouver Symphony Trip. Please wear Number One uniform and pack a disposable snack.
  • Monday, November 10th and Tuesday, November 11th: NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, November 12th: 5G's first assembly day! We will be running the next eight assemblies for the school! :)
  • Thursday, November 13th: Math test on place value, adding and subtracting with regrouping, multiplying, long division and some problems with money. Start studying now!
  • Friday, November 14th: Novel study project due.
  • Tuesday, November 18th: LEGACY RECYCLING DROP-OFF 7:30 - 8:30 AM
  • Wednesday, November 19th: LEGACY RECYCLING DROP-OFF 7:30 - 8:30 AM
  • Monday, November 24th: Operation Christmas Child due. Please be sure to include the $7 shipping fee - additional donations welcome in Ms. Brown's collection jar!
  • Tuesday, November 25th: LEGACY GROUSE MOUNTAIN DROP-OFF 8:00 - 8:30 AM.
  • Wednesday, November 26th: Photo retake day - get those fabulous smiles out!

October in Review

October was filled with wonderful moments in 5G, and I tried to capture a few of them! Here is a glance back through our second month together...

These things keep getting longer and longer... :)


What a day! We had a wonderful time together, and credit needs to go to the amazing class parents of 5G for contributing their ideas, organization and time to make an incredible party for 5G! The donut eating was wild, the pumpkin relay was hilarious, the touch lab was disgusting (did anyone eat that vomit?!) and the picture frames and cookies were gorgeous.

Click here to see some photos from the day! Turn those speakers up! :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

October: Canadian Women Hisory Month

Well, I really missed the boat on this one. October is a dedicated month to celebrate the advancements of women in Canadian society (and I've only just found out tonight). Although the month is very nearly through, I do think that it is worthwhile to spend a few minutes looking at the amazing achievements of Canadian Women in our History!

Spelling word reminder case that pale yellow sheet is nowhere to be found!

  • remembrance
  • respect
  • veteran
  • fought
  • rescued
  • guard
  • peaceful
  • carve
  • annual
  • amusement
  • celebration
  • surprise
  • terrifying
  • disguise
  • consensus
  • appointed
  • citizen
  • intention
  • prejudiced
  • their, there, they’re

Norval Morrisseau!

Hey 5G - check out the photograph of the new federal cabinet posed inside the majestic Rideau Hall in Ottawa (the Governor General's house - I've been skating on her outdoor ice rink!).

Notice any significant art work in the photograph? Morrisseau's piece looks absolutely stunning in the front hall and I'm so glad that we as a class have spent a bit of time with his beautiful work, vibrant images and incredible representation of energy and of the important connections between all living things. It's always exciting when the things we study in class come alive in the real world!

Hallowe'en countdown!

It's almost here! Tomorrow is going to be a great day - remember to bring a $2 donation to UNICEF to wear civvies (non-uniform clothing) in the morning, and bring your Hallowe'en costume to change into at lunch for our party! I am so excited!

Congratulations for completing the Canadian Government unit - it was a wonderful exploration of our country and how the government functions. I feel proud of 5G for developing such outstanding citizenship behaviour! I know that I am teaching amazing kids who will undoubtedly grow into our leaders of the future.

There is likely math homework tonight (my group will be completing the second section of the first page of three digit multiplication, and the odd numbers of the third section - long division!). Reviewing basic facts up to the 12 times table is still an important fundamental skill. Simple skills like adding and subtracting with some regrouping is a small but deadly step that can make or break a math test. Practice makes perfect, so get to it! :)

Our discussion about Remembrance Day this morning turned to code breaking in the military (my Grandfather was a code breaker in WWII). I've linked some fun websites on the left for kids to play around with this exciting form of communication. It is always a great lesson to play with language, numbers and letters and to deduce patterns. Problem Solving is everywhere!

I am excited to see you all tomorrow to cap off this great week together!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I look forward to seeing the families that can join us tonight for our parent social - it will be a great time! If you can't make it tonight, hopefully you can join us for the Hallowe'en party on Friday afternoon in 5G (not the same with the munchkins around...kidding! :) )

Tonight, the primary focus should be reviewing for the Government test tomorrow. There is likely math homework, and given the momentum we are gathering for the end of the term, it is so, so important that you understand the concepts we are covering. Multiplication and Long Division are two concepts BEST understood with loads and loads of practice, and the beautiful thing is that you are able to generate your OWN questions to help you practice!

Enjoy your night!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday night

Congratulations to the Boys Soccer Team for their impressive wins today at Soccerfest! We can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow.

Tonight, students should continue to review for the Socials test on Thursday. There is likely additional math work to be completed, so do your best to stay focused and stay positive - you can do it! :)

See you in the morning!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Homework tonight!

What a gorgeous day - I hope that you enjoyed the sunshine with your loved ones!

The novel study project guide was handed out today - the projects will focus on character development in Underground to Canada and students have a choice of three projects, each worth 50 marks (as outlined in the grading criteria in the package). Students chose their three projects today, and we both signed the yellow contract. The third piece of the puzzle will come tonight when you sit with your child and review the expectations and sign the yellow contract as well. If students are working on the project at home, they must set goals on the sheet and record how they stand in relation to those goals at the end of the work period. You should then initial the sheet to ensure that they have worked, and that the work was completed independently. The final product will be due on Friday, November 14th - early submissions welcome!

New spelling words were handed out today - a mix of Hallowe'en, Remembrance and Social Study words. Quiz on Friday, October 31st.

On Friday morning, students are invited to bring a $2 donation to UNICEF and wear their civvies in the morning (all children are free to change into costumes after lunch on Friday for our party). UNICEF is a great organization - learn more here!

Government test on Thursday, October 30th!

Parent social night on Wednesday, October 29th.

Tuesday, October 28th - no wrestling practice in the morning, and soccer boys should meet on the tarmac at 7:40 am.

Looking ahead into the coming weeks...

Monday, November 3rd - IMAX trip to see The Human Body. Students are required to wear Number One uniform as we go out and represent our school.

Operation Christmas Child should be handed in by Monday, November 24th. Please see an earlier post to learn more.

That's it for now!

Capliano Bridge Adventures!

Ms. Murphy and I went to Capilano Suspension Bridge this weekend to check out the beautiful Harvest display with your incredible pumpkins! All of the visitors to the bridge were impressed with your hard work, and I am so happy that we were a part of this event. The winner will be announced sometime this week!

Well done, Grade 5's!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Long, loooooong weekend...

...for you!

It's going to be a fun two days as I sit down with the fabulous 5G parents to talk about the wonderful kids in my class! On Friday, Ms. Brown and I are going to an all day workshop about how to teach math like teacher superstars (we're going to learn from Greg Tang, the author of all kinds of wonderful books about Math, like Math-terpieces, The Grapes of Math and Math Fables!).

And since I'm going to be hard at work, you're not off the hook! This weekend, you should review for your Government Test on Thursday, October 30th. The red review sheet is tucked inside your agenda, and that outline should guide your thinking this weekend. Use the textbook (that needs to be returned on Monday), your Socials binder and the fun websites posted to the left to ensure that you understand the material. Complete the Aboriginal government worksheet "A Special Relationship" for Monday to make sure that you have read the entire chapter! You do not need to memorize the dates of that worksheet - refer to the red review guide for what you need to know!

Most of you have finished Underground to Canada, but for those who have not, that is part of your weekend check-list! Next week we will begin our final novel study projects, so get reading!

It was a short, but great week together. Have a wonderful time with your family and friends, and I can't wait to see you all on Monday! :)

Pumpkin Carving Fun!

Here are a few photos from our pumpkin carving party! I took just under a gazillion, so expect to see the others in a slideshow coming to a blog near you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


What a day! Thank you all SO MUCH for your help with pumpkin carving today - there is no way we could have done it without you! It was really fun and we will waited with baited breath to see them all lit up at the Suspension Bridge on October 25th and 26th. After the results of the votes roll in, one lucky carver will be chosen to win 4 movie passes and a $250 donation to the charity of their choice! I am so grateful for the generosity of the Capilano Suspension Bridge people, and I do hope that you can use the two free passes that were sent home tonight to follow up with this great activity! Photos to follow later tonight!

  • Dress in Number One uniform tomorrow, and bring Spirit wear.
  • Complete any assigned math homework (check out the links to the left for great math games to help you understand any challenging concepts!). Be sure to get your math test signed, and return to your math set teacher.
  • Government Test on Thursday, October 30th. Blue Socials binders were sent home tonight (please return tomorrow) for initial review. A proper review sheet will be sent home tomorrow but for now...
** Name the three levels of government, the job title of the leader of each level, and some responsibilities.

** Understand the importance of the constitution, particularly the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Be prepared to discuss some rights from this document, and the related responsibilities of each.

** Discuss the differences between a minority and majority federal government. Your answer will include some numbers, so be thorough!
  • Hallowe'en class party will be on Friday, October 31st from 1:30 - 3:00! It's going to be a great time!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hallowe'en Recipes

Looking for some disgusting recipes for family fun? Itching to bring some extra special (or extra gross) treats to our class party next Friday?

Check out Vancouver Science World's website for really great ideas - Blood Juice, Severed Fingers Cookies, Jelly Eyeballs, Slime, Goop, fake vomit and blisters - the fun goes on!


The French Exchange kids will be back late tonight, and we can't wait to see them! They will surely entertain us with exciting stories of Quebec and Ottawa!

For tonight:
  • Grammar booklet due tomorrow.
  • Come in P.E. kit for the morning, and bring uniform to change into.
  • Bring pumpkin carving kit, smock and ideas for carving party 11:00 to 12:30 tomorrow!
  • Pumpkin Run tomorrow at Ambleside Park
  • Operation Christmas Child due November 24
  • Soccer boys need to return yellow St. George's Soccerfest sheet by Wednesday, October 22nd
Enjoy your night!

Operation Christmas Child

Coming home tonight with your child is a shoebox from Operation Christmas Child. Attached is a small brochure explaining the ethos behind the project and what can be included in the shoebox.

In a nutshell - if you choose to participate, you have six choices for what type of child you would like to prepare a present for. The age categories are 2-4 years old, 5-9 years old or 10-14 years old for either a boy or a girl. Cut out the label from the back of the pamphlet and place it on top of the box so that the box is correctly distributed. Instructions explaining the contents of the box are included, and can also be found at their website :

Completed shoeboxes are due by Monday, November 21st. More boxes are available for your giving pleasure!

The shoeboxes are given to children in areas of the world where the joy and simplicity of the celebration of light (as so many holidays are connected to the joy found in the light and hope of the world) may be difficult to see in the darkness. There are plenty of opportunities in our own community to spread the feelings of love and hope during the holiday season as well! The YWCA Vancouver have really beautiful projects for the season, and to read more, follow the link!

Thank you, as always, for your support towards our school endeavours to cultivate in your children a desire to help others in a meaningful way.

Pumpkin Carving 101

It's that time!! I really do hope that you can join us for some pumpkin carving excitement on Tuesday, October 21st from 11:00 until 12:30 in 5G.

Students need to come to school with their own pumpkin carving kit and a painting smock (if not already at school).

Reminder: Students are responsible for all of the designing and carving - parents will be helping scoop out the pumpkin insides, and assisting students with any help they may need with the tools.

It's a great idea to plan out your design before the big day, and here are some sites to get your mind thinking!! Some of these sites say to pay money to download the pattern, but I suggest just looking, and being inspired to create your own pattern!

(check out the Gallery at this site!)

Capilano Suspension Bridge will be transporting the pumpkins in a van from the school to the display site at the bridge, so there is no guarantee that any additional materials you attach to the 'kin will stay on for the ride. The pumpkins will be displayed outdoors, as well, so be sure that your pumpkin will look just as awesome if it were to rain. Consider really creative designs that will hold up to the elements!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy weekend!

The rain hasn't quelled the excitement and fun in 5G. Today we turned our artistic explorations to the Group of Seven, and reimagined our national autumn landscape with the help of some Lawren Harris models and colourful paint. Grade 5 is responsible for the foyer art work next month, and these beauties will certainly be worthy of display!

Some pretty heavy homework for the weekend:
  • Be kind to others, especially those for whom it is difficult for you to extend kindness to (siblings, perhaps?)
  • Be grateful for three things in your life (our Giving-Thanks circle this week produced some beautiful sentiments of gratitude - 5G kids sure are thankful for their loving families, caring friends and our free country!)
  • Spend time being creative - writing, art, thinking - it doesn't matter! Push yourself to see the world around you through a different lens in some way, and enjoy the process of creating!

Happy weekend!

Love stretches your heart and makes you big inside.
Margaret Walker

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Homework for Wednesday, October 15th

It has finally warmed up and the kids are thawing out. Yesterday was awfully cold! Today is International Handwashing Day - check it out!

Tonight, students should...
  • read up to Chapter 14 in Underground to Canada.
  • Complete math homework (5G math will complete up to page 62 in the Jump book)
  • Complete the bright yellow government home study, due Friday.

Please review the hot pink Parent Teacher Interview request confirmation sheets sent home tonight.

Enjoy your night!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Homework clarification

And we're back! I hope that everyone had a restful and beautiful Thanksgiving weekend - it flew by and we're in the final stretch for this term!

Tonight, student should...
  • complete math set homework
  • complete the Government work sheet, listing at least five responsibilities of each level of government. There are many resources to help with this, but I recommend the phone book!
  • come dressed in Number One uniform with clothes to change into for Spirit
  • read for 20 minutes

It's going to be a great week!

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
Chinese Proverb

Thursday, October 9, 2008


What a week! Thank you so much for all of the generous birthday wishes poured out this week - the kids were fantastic (and sugary) and we had a great time!

Many children are leaving for Victoria tomorrow, so our class will be very small. This is a great opportunity for us to delve into our studies in a closer way, and we're lucky enough to have some kids from 5BR joining us, as well!

Homework for tonight is very light, because of the smaller numbers in the morning. Children should read up to Chapter 12 in Underground - even soccer kids! As an activity of awareness, students should also learn where three things in their home are made - one item of clothing, one pair of shoes and one rug (if you have one). This is an exercise to learn about production, environmental impact and consumerism. We checked the labels of our NHL jerseys today and only a handful were actually made in Canada. The question we want to consider is why - and the answer isn't simple or quick! There are many factors that go into the equation of importing and exporting, and at this stage, we just want to learn more.

Last call for Scholastics, wrapping paper and parent/teacher interview forms!

The mock election was great today and the results will be broadcast on CBC after the official results of the federal election are released. We are a part of a larger movement called "Student Vote", and it is going to be a great experience to be connected with our national movement of democracy. So far this week, 60, 000 student votes have been cast in 303 schools across the country. The number will soar tomorrow and the student election results will be telling about what our youth expect from our leaders and hope for our country. Stay tuned!

Enjoy your night!

This just in -- Canucks Jersey Day a flop!

We need to say a big thank you to Mr. Hatch and Mrs. Richmond who organized the annual Canucks Jersey Day. Wires must have been crossed in 5G, though, because the kids showed up in their Maple Leaf pride! Sorry to all the Mum's and Dad's for whom this might come as a shock -- but your kids BeLeaf!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Homework for Monday, October 6th

What a week! Thank you so much for bringing your children to the school so punctually for 6:30 this morning! The kids were great and certainly represented the school brilliantly to kick off the Round Square Conference.

Here's a look into their fantastic performance:

Tonight, please note the change in pick-up times on Wednesday, October 8th after the exciting Craig Kielburger discussion at Morven. Grade 5 students will return to Wentworth at 3:50 pm. Younger siblings are invited to enjoy the after school daycare service until we return from Morven. Regular shuttle bus children will board the Morven shuttle straight from this event. We have discussed Mr. Kielburger in class, and have looked into his great book "Kid's Guide to Active Citizenship". Here is his website to learn more!

There will be a Patterning and Algebra Math quiz on Thursday, October 9th. 5G has soared through this unit and will doubtlessly succeed on Thursday. In preparation, students need to create one word problem tonight (look to pages 13, 19 and 20 in Jump for inspiration and guidelines to content and format). This word problem should be logical and clearly laid out on one standard piece of paper. This problem should NOT be solved on the paper, but students should understand how to solve their own creative problem. Tomorrow, I will photocopy a class set of these problems so that each student will have 20 fun and exciting patterning and algebra word problems to solve. Remember that number lines and t-charts are helpful tools!

We had a pop quiz in our Government unit today, with varying results. It is clear students need to review the branches of federal government and the responsibilities associated with each. Tonight for homework, students will complete the blank federal government flow chart, using the complete flow chart for guidance.

Please continue to keep up the wonderful practice of reading for twenty minutes and recording the title and author in agendas. I love learning what great novels everyone is reading!

  • House assembly is Wednesday, October 8th. Students should wear their house t-shirt with their Number One uniform. Because of our trip to Morven in the afternoon, packing proper Number One is necessary. We won't need gym kits as we won't be having Spirit.
  • Canuck jersey day will be on Thursday, October 9th. Wear your jersey/t-shirt/sweat shirt with pride over your regular uniform shirt (Ms. Gretzinger will be wearing her Leaf-gear)
  • Mock federal election is on Thursday, October 9th. Be prepared to make an informed choice on the big day, and be proud to be participating in a democratic society!
  • Scholastic and wrapping paper orders due Friday, October 1oth
  • Pumpkin carving on Tuesday, October 21st. Parents are totally welcome to join us for the fun! 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. Please also prepare your child with their own individual carving kit - pumpkins will be generously provided by the Capilano Suspension Bridge.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Min Jee

Part of our art time slot on Friday was spent learning from Judith Jordan about Min Jee's upcoming cochlear implant. We are so thankful for Judith for sharing her knowledge and passion with us, and we wish Min Jee the best of luck on Wednesday! We'll miss you, Min Jee, and can't wait for you to come back to school and tell us all about your journey of "Freedom"!

Thank you, Don Bell!

Don Bell (MP for North Vancouver) came to speak with the Grade 5's on Friday, and outlined for us the role of an MP in our society - his weekly schedule (what a whirlwind!), his passion for our country, how MPs work to ensure life is as good as it can be for Canadians and what life is like in the House of Commons. Mr. Bell presented Collingwood with a Canadian flag to be proudly hung in our halls as well as Canadian pins for each student and an MP report so that we can learn even more about how Members of Parliament help communities.

Thank you, Don Bell!

Parent & Teacher Interviews

Forms were sent home on Friday to schedule the upcoming interviews. Please do complete and return these forms by Thursday, October 9th if you would like a formal interview with me concerning your child's progress in the year to this point.

Thank you!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rain gear

As the rains fell today, so too did the faces of 5G students as they realized that they would not be able to enjoy recess with their friends without adequate rain wear.

Please, please, please pack a rain jacket with a hood for sloppy days like today!
Rain boots are also a fun addition to any uniform wardrobe.

There are loads of great things to do in the rain - start up a hopscotch tourney under the covered tarmac, play freeze tag, play on the swings and dodge the raindrops, create a dance routine to The Monster Mash for our upcoming celebrations, make a hackey sack and play keep-it-up -- and I'm sure you all have other great ideas. I occasionally allow students to stay in with me but when an important meeting comes up or I decide I do actually need the 15 beautiful minutes of silence that recess offers, I need the children to be able to be outdoors. I support the decision when an indoor recess is called, of course, but it is a rare occasion. Students need to be prepared to be outside in most weather conditions. So embrace the Vancouver-ite inside of you and get out in that rain!

Thank you!

Number One uniform reminders

Hello all,

On Friday, October 3rd Don Bell is speaking to all Grade 5 students. Because of this special occasion, all students are expected to bring Number One uniform to change into after P.E. in the morning.

Number One uniform is also expected on our Monday trip to UBC.

Thank you!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September in Review

Here is a glance back at our first month together...turn your speakers up!


Tonight the children need to read Chapters 9 and 10 of Underground to Canada. We will work on developing a dialouge between Julilly and Liza tomorrow in class, so children should connect with the characters and infer a bit about their emotional journey.

Students should ensure that they have completed their Math Set homework - it will be our first class tomorrow morning!

Because of the early morning start next Monday, after school choir practice is canceled on the 6th.

Letters to Terry Fox were sent home tonight - take a moment to reflect on the excellent pieces of writing that were created and then it's yours to keep!

Enjoy your night!

Hope for Resolution

The hard work has paid off - here are the fabulous Grades 4 and 5 as they perform with the Morven choir the song "Hope for Resolution". This dress rehearsal sounded fantastic, and Monday's early morning performance at UBC will surely be a delight.

**Reminder** Please bring your child to Wentworth at 6:30 am on Monday, October 6th!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My math set tonight needs to have their Math Quiz signed and returned by Thursday, October 2nd. Students are also expected to finish the new booklet up to Question 4, remembering that understanding the place value of decimals requires changing fractions to a denominator of 10 (for tenths), 100 (for hundredths), or 1, 000 (for thousandths). We had a great review in class today, and reinforcing that learning at home tonight would be a smart idea to ensure that the knowledge stays in there!

5G homeroom has a light evening of homework. Twenty minutes of reading is all that is expected, with a few reminders...
  • All students will be singing Hope for Resolution in Assembly tomorrow. Practicing tonight is a must! Can't wait to hear you all in the morning!
  • Students must come to school in Number One and pack P.E. kit for Spirit.
  • Music homework must be complete for Friday.
  • Ms. Gould's Problem Solving must be complete for Monday.
  • Scholastic orders are due on Friday, October 10th.
  • Wrapping paper orders are due on Friday, October 10th.
  • Monday morning (October 6th) is our rise-and-shine 6:30 am start of day!
Enjoy your night!

Gift Wrap fundraiser details...

This just in...

...the Innesbrook Gift Wrap fundraiser (orders due on October 10th) has raised the stakes! The class who sells the most gift wrap will win a pizza party complete with ice cream, chips and drinks.

The individual student who sells the most will win a brand new coloured Nano.

Good luck at all!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Problem Solving

Today in Problem Solving, Ms. Gould stumped the class with a difficult logic puzzle, and the kids were excellent problem solvers in their attempts to solve the challenge! If they wanted to practice even more puzzles along the same lines, here are some links!

(Navigate your way to 'Kid's Zone' on the left and choose from the levels of difficulty. Click on the 'interactive grid' and go wild! There are many other puzzles on this site to try.)


Reminder -- the booklet Ms. Gould handed out last week is due next Monday, October 6th, so be sure to finish it up throughout the week! :)

Information about the UBC choir performance on Monday, October 6th

On Monday, October 6th, all Grades 4 and 5 students will meet at Wentworth by 6:30 am.

We will board buses to sing at UBC for the opening of the Round Square Conference. This exciting event will be wrapped up mid-morning, and students will be bused back to Wentworth to enjoy a snack, recess time and the remainder of the academic day. Students are expected to wear their Number One uniform, and it will surely be a neat experience! Students will be singing 'Hope for Resolution' and the Music Deptartment sent home these lyrics last week for review.
Need the music to sing along with? Take a listen here!

In the agenda tonight, you will find the new spelling words related to our Canadian Government unit. Quiz on October 3rd. More importantly, students need to understand what the words mean - and question 3 on the Spelling Sorting sheet (creating a well written paragraph with ten vocabulary words) speaks to the importance of that skill. Spelling mastery is more than just memorizing! You can do it!

Tonight, students need to read Chapters 7 and 8 in Underground to Canada. If already complete - dive into a good book for twenty minutes or so and let your imagination soar!

Please remember to come to school in P.E. kits for gym in the morning and pack a complete uniform to change into.

Thank you!

Friday, September 26, 2008

The weekend is here!

Another week has passed, and as I sit in the quiet, empty classroom this afternoon, I find it difficult to believe that 5G has only been together for just over three weeks. We are already a close group and I am confident that our year is going to be an incredible journey of growth and learning.

This weekend, I've asked that the kids read Chapters 5 and 6 in Underground to Canada. We'll turn the heat up next week in terms of actual chapters read - we have spent alot of time discussing character development, and how Smucker as written her characters in such a descriptive way (and then we practiced that skill!) and the concepts of slavery being so wrong. We explored the cost of slavery this week, and expanded our voabulary to include liberty, emmancipation, freedom and equality.

Reminder! 5G's coffee morning will be on Monday, September 29th, and it would so great if you could make it to discuss the fun events of the year, and to share your own ideas of how to make our community even better! Please don't hesitate to share your skills with us - we are so grateful for the support from 5G families!

Enjoy your weekend!

Congratulations 5G!

5G raised an amazing $531.24 for cancer research!

That is an amazing effort, and the Terry Fox Foundation will certainly be grateful for your generosity. Thank you!

Here are the much anticipated 5G Terry Fox Run Photos!

5G showed amazing strength and determination in today's Terry Fox Run. I am so proud of them for working through their pain and demonstrating their best work! Great job!