Friday, November 21, 2008


We made it! It is hard to believe that so much of November has passed, and that our December events are approaching so quickly.

Today in Art class, students created beautiful wire sculptures after learning about American artist, Alexander Calder. The final pieces needed to be connected to nature in some way, and be able to stand freely. This exercise in balance was truly an exercise in patience, as some students discovered that wire could be a stubborn material to work with. Dedication and flexibility contributed to excellent final pieces. We are sorry we couldn't wish Matt a Happy Birthday in person today, so I hope he knows we were thinking about him!

Term One report cards are available on PCR tomorrow (Saturday). Term Two is going to be so great, and I have absolutely loved the beginning of our year together.

Looking ahead:
  • Monday, November 24th: Operation Christmas Child due
  • Tuesday, November 25th: Legacy
  • Wednesday, November 26th: 5G runs assembly; Photo retake day
  • Wednesday, December 3rd: 5G runs assembly
  • Thursday, December 4th: Science test -- Skeletal and Muscular body systems
  • Monday, December 8th: Saleema Noon presentation
  • Thursday, December 11th: 4/5 Christmas concert (please have black dress pants for this event)
  • Wednesday, December 17th: 5G runs assembly
  • Thursday, December 18th: Last day of school - break begins at 3:20 pm!!

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