Monday, November 24, 2008


We had a great day today, and I know that this week will be a fun one. Tonight, students should sort and copy their spelling words on the yellow sheet. That sheet is yours to keep at home for studying throughout the week.

Students can take home their green Science binder and textbook to study with, but it is so important to return it to school each day. Review sheet to follow this week, but in the meantime, here are some websites to explore in addition to the links to your left:

The yellow Problem Solving duotang is coming home tonight to be completed by Monday, December 1 for Ms. Gould. The problem solving test is coming home tonight, so be sure to review that this evening. Reading clues is so important, and practice makes perfect. Please sign the test tonight by Wednesday at the latest -- if our entire class brings it back on time, Ms. Gould promises 5G a class treat. There is a bright red P.S. information package coming home tonight as well, so please read it to gain more knowledge about the program and strategies this year. That is for you to keep!

P.E. in the morning, so students should come in a full tracksuit and bring their uniform to change into -- even if you have floor hockey at lunch.

Thank you!

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