Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday, November 28

Happy weekend!

It was a great week (the four days I was healthy enough to be here for), and the countdown is on for the remainder of 2008! Here are a few reminders for our last few weeks together...

  • Project H.A.N.D.S. is underway with its House penny drive! Please bring in any loose pennies you have laying around and add them to your house jar in the foyer!
  • Science test on Thursday -- review!
  • The French DVD should be watched four times a week for 10 minutes a day - please mark down these viewings in the agenda and sign for Mme. Keiser.
  • Please return any outstanding library books on Monday.
  • The Festive Store is on Thursday, December 4th. Be sure to come to school with a large shopping bag with handles for all of your purchases. Cash should be brought to school in a Ziploc bag with your name clearly labeled. The checklist at the bottom of the pale green notice sent home last week should also be in the bag. Thank you!
  • Our Scholastic Book Fair is on Thursday, December 11th. We saw a presentation from Mrs. Narwal today about two of her favourite books - Loser by Jerry Spinelli and 39 Clues Book One! Both are excellent books, and would be wonderful considerations at the Book Fair!
  • The red notice sent home today details our Secret Santa endeavour. There is a $15 limit to the exchange (no limit on creativity or thoughtfulness), and we will open the secret gifts on Tuesday, December 16th. We brainstormed today what the word "secret" meant, so I'm sure that the surpise won't be spoiled!!

Enjoy your weekend!

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