Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It was a really great House Assembly this morning, and our 5G host representative did an amazing job! Two of our students were celebrated for their incredible kindness in front of the entire school, and they deserve to be very proud!

We'll be back to completely hosting assemblies next week, so get your best presenting voices ready!

Tonight, students should study for their spelling quiz tomorrow. Just in case you can't find your words...
  • skull
  • maxilla
  • scapula
  • sternum
  • rib
  • ulna
  • radius
  • femur
  • tibia
  • phalanges
  • metatarsals
  • tarsals
  • patella
  • metacarpals
  • carpals
  • sacrum
  • pelvis
  • vertebrae
  • humerus
  • xyphoid process
  • clavicle
  • mandible
  • where OR wear
  • your OR you’re
The kids have been doing so well at learning where all of these bones are, and learning the correct spelling of these difficult words is part of this process! Write out each word several times, cut out some letters and rearrange them, make a song to help you remember a few of the more difficult ones -- what ever your strategy is, get to it tonight!

Math homework tonight across the board, and students should also be reading a good chapter book. It's always fun to read aloud and practice your fluency and expression so consider that to spice up your nightly reading if you are getting bored.

Enjoy your night!

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