Friday, November 14, 2008

Coats for Kids - Collingwood Charity Drive!

The approaching season is such a wonderful time to think about our lives and all we have been given, and what we can do to spread joy to others - to our families, friends and strangers. Joy is an incredible feeling, and when we are kind towards others it is multiplied exponentially.

There are so many ways to accomplish this goal, and this morning information was shared with me about another such opportunity. A family at our school, the Negus-Stevenson's are asking other families to donate gently used, clean coats and jackets to help children in need in the Vancouver area (downtown and the North Shore) stay warm this winter. For every coat/jacket donated, the Negus-Stevenson Family Trust will donate $25 to a maximum of $10,000 to Collingwood School (wow!). If this drive interests you and your family, bring your coats to the front lobby between now and December 1st!

Thank you!

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