Thursday, November 13, 2008

Track Suits: Fact vs. Fiction

Should kids wear track suits in November when they come to school in P.E. kit (or at any point need to change into their P.E. kit)? Survey says: YES!!

The November weather is often unpredictable, and it is important that students are warm and dry to keep them operating at their very best. Wearing a track suit is an important part of that goal.

Tomorrow, students should come to school in P.E. kit in the morning (along with their track suit bottom and top). Students should pack their uniform to change into. Parents of boys in 5G - if you notice that your son is missing a pair of grey pants, they are in our class Lost & Found - I've shown the boys but no takers so far!)

Thank you for your help in keeping 5G'ers warm, healthy and happy.

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