Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday night homework

It ended up being a beautiful autumn day and it is a wonderful season to witness the changes around us. I sat near a girl on the bus this weekend who was discussing her New Year's plans - I was shocked! Thankfully, we are not there yet.

Tonight, the primary focus should be completing math homework and ensuring that basic skills like multi-digit multiplication problems...

x 68

...are mastered, and that long division is beginning to make sense. Practice makes perfect!

Please also sign and return the Government test, read for 20 minutes and be prepared to wear your Number One uniform in the morning with your Spirit wear packed for the afternoon. Most children have completed the Problem Solving package for Ms. Gould, but if this is not yet done please make certain that you have it done for the morning! The more math you do, the more you will succeed!

Enjoy your evening, 5G!

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