Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hallowe'en countdown!

It's almost here! Tomorrow is going to be a great day - remember to bring a $2 donation to UNICEF to wear civvies (non-uniform clothing) in the morning, and bring your Hallowe'en costume to change into at lunch for our party! I am so excited!

Congratulations for completing the Canadian Government unit - it was a wonderful exploration of our country and how the government functions. I feel proud of 5G for developing such outstanding citizenship behaviour! I know that I am teaching amazing kids who will undoubtedly grow into our leaders of the future.

There is likely math homework tonight (my group will be completing the second section of the first page of three digit multiplication, and the odd numbers of the third section - long division!). Reviewing basic facts up to the 12 times table is still an important fundamental skill. Simple skills like adding and subtracting with some regrouping is a small but deadly step that can make or break a math test. Practice makes perfect, so get to it! :)

Our discussion about Remembrance Day this morning turned to code breaking in the military (my Grandfather was a code breaker in WWII). I've linked some fun websites on the left for kids to play around with this exciting form of communication. It is always a great lesson to play with language, numbers and letters and to deduce patterns. Problem Solving is everywhere!

I am excited to see you all tomorrow to cap off this great week together!

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