Thursday, October 9, 2008


What a week! Thank you so much for all of the generous birthday wishes poured out this week - the kids were fantastic (and sugary) and we had a great time!

Many children are leaving for Victoria tomorrow, so our class will be very small. This is a great opportunity for us to delve into our studies in a closer way, and we're lucky enough to have some kids from 5BR joining us, as well!

Homework for tonight is very light, because of the smaller numbers in the morning. Children should read up to Chapter 12 in Underground - even soccer kids! As an activity of awareness, students should also learn where three things in their home are made - one item of clothing, one pair of shoes and one rug (if you have one). This is an exercise to learn about production, environmental impact and consumerism. We checked the labels of our NHL jerseys today and only a handful were actually made in Canada. The question we want to consider is why - and the answer isn't simple or quick! There are many factors that go into the equation of importing and exporting, and at this stage, we just want to learn more.

Last call for Scholastics, wrapping paper and parent/teacher interview forms!

The mock election was great today and the results will be broadcast on CBC after the official results of the federal election are released. We are a part of a larger movement called "Student Vote", and it is going to be a great experience to be connected with our national movement of democracy. So far this week, 60, 000 student votes have been cast in 303 schools across the country. The number will soar tomorrow and the student election results will be telling about what our youth expect from our leaders and hope for our country. Stay tuned!

Enjoy your night!

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