Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, Monday

What a day -- we've been busy making Christmas plays, learning a new language (Rebus!) and surfing our way through the pre-holiday madness! It is going to be a really fun week, and there are just a few reminders to be aware of.

  • No need for P.E. kit - Gym class will not be held tomorrow because of the K/1 dress rehearsal in the morning. Students - please come in your regular uniform, and be sure to bring sensible outerwear - jackets are a must in December!
  • Thursday, December 11th - the big day!! I am really excited to see those adorable 5g faces up on stage on Thursday night - please remember to bring black pants and smiles.
  • Tuesday, December 16th - the other big day!! Secret Santa gift exchange and class party.

Enjoy your night!

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