Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday, December 9th

What a great day - the kids began their Wonderful, Exciting Book of Christmas Awesomeness (also known as their Christmas booklet), and there are many brain teasers, crossword puzzles and Mad Libs to keep us busy in these next few days. The group Christmas plays are coming together nicely and I am excited to see the final product later in the week (but please remember to only work on the script when your whole group is with you - so don't be working away on tonight by yourself!)

Tonight, please sign and return the Skeletal and Muscular Systems test. Question 19 was the most challenging question for most children, as it required students to put together all of the knowledge they learned over the entire unit. Good quality answers included information from each of the smaller parts we covered - bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, joints and whether or not the action of walking was voluntary (we came up with some gross consequences if walking was, in fact, involuntary!) Please look over this test with your child, and sign on the front.

A few reminders:

  • Number One uniform in the morning and Spirit clothes for the afternoon. the forecast is rain, rain and more rain, so pack your full tracksuit in case the P.E. department decides to hold Spirit outside.
  • There were TWO indoor recesses today, so if the rain stops it would be a good idea to go outside and play to make sure that you get some fresh air today! Skipping rope and hop scotch are two easy and quick ways to get your heart pumping and your lungs filled with that wonderful west coast air.
Good night!

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