Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday night fun!

Check out those cute kids! Photos are coming home today with your child, and they sure are a good looking group. Please return the order form to me by Monday, September 22nd.

The yellow problem solving duotang is the place that all of Ms. Gould's problem solving work will be organized. This week, students are expected to complete both sheets in the duotang. This needs to be completed for class with Ms. Gould on Monday, September 22nd. 5G wowed Ms. Gould with their critical thinking and problem solving abilities - it will doubtlessly be a successful program with her this year!

Also making its way home tonight is the Terry Fox pledge form in preparation for the school wide Terry Fox run on Friday, September 26th. Collingwood Junior School raised a record $16, 000 one year for cancer research, and we can be inspired by that effort again this year. Pledges can be collected with cash or cheques, and most conveniently, on line! Direct interested pledgers to www.terryfoxrun.org to donate in the name of our school and also your child. Cheques should be made payable to the Terry Fox Foundation, and tax receipts are available for donations of $20 or more.

Tonight, students should read for twenty minutes and record the author and book title in their agenda.

I'm looking forward to seeing all who can join us tomorrow night at 4:30 pm for Meet the Teacher night!

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