Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Homework for Tuesday, September 9th

Hi all,

A few homework reminders for tonight:
  • Complete Math Practice sheets 1 and 2. Remember that algebra means just solving for the missing value, which could be represented by a '?', a square or the letter 'x'. You can do it!
  • Read until the end of Chapter 2 of Underground to Canada - our novel study for Term One! We have read most of the two chapters in class, but it is always a good idea to review the reading to make sure you understand the characters and plot. Pay special attention to beautifully written passages and let me know - we can add them to the board! Barbara Smucker was a very talented writer who conveyed description and emotion very well.
  • Come to school in Number One, and bring P.E. kit for Spirit.
Thanks for another great day!

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