Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Friday!

Another great week is coming to an end and it has been a really fun one! We have had great DPA this week - learning African tribal moves as well as some wild dance funky grooves - what a great 5 minute blast of energy to get our minds working for the day! We are learning about the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, provincial and municipal) as well as the internal structure of the federal government. Reviewing this over the weekend would be a great idea. Remember your government stretches to practice which level of government is responsible for each service you think of (i.e. education, health care, road work, environment, budget, mail delievery). Can you think of any situation that requres the co-operation of several levels of government to work through?

In Math, we continued to explore patterning of numbers and 5G developed some really sophisticated relationships between number (81, 9, 1 -- each step divides by 9). We developed patterns and then tried to stump the rest of the class. I am impressed! Continue the great work and complete page 27 in the Jump book for Monday.

Reminders for the weekend:
  • Please bring an old t-shirt for painting projects to be stored in the lockers.
  • Please send in a pair of earphones for laptop use, also to be stored in the lockers for individual use.
  • Photo orders are due on Monday. Retakes will be at the end of October (the 28th).
  • Comfort kits need to be updated and returned to school.
  • The pink risk consent form should be making its way back to school.
  • Problem Solving for Ms. Gould (yellow duotang) is due for her on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend!

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