Monday, September 22, 2008

New spelling words and tonight's homework!

It's going to be a great week!

Coming home tonight with your child are two spelling sheets:

--The blue copy is for you to keep at home, to prepare for the spelling quiz on Friday, September 26th.
--The purple copy is a double sided worksheet to help students understand the words of the week (all of the words are taken from Chapter 1 to 4 in Underground to Canada). Students should complete the organization of the words on the purple sheet (Questions 1 - 6). Writing them out on the back is an optional suggestion.

The Music department has sent home the lyrics to a song that needs to be practiced before Music class on Friday.

The Terry Fox Run will be on Friday, September 26th! Keep those pledges rolling in!

Our day begins with P.E., so please come dressed in P.E. kit, and pack your uniform to change into!

Enjoy your night!

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