Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Socials Studies curriculum overview for Term One (and homework)

We began our Government of Canada study today by discussing the upcoming election. It is important to learn about our own local government, so tonight students are expected to learn in what riding they live and who their Member of Parliament representative is. I imagine that parents may need to be involved in this process! Our unit will cover the three levels of government in Canada and responsibilities of each, the election process, examining the history of Confederation and its influence on our country, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (one of Ms. Gretzinger's favourite things about Canada) and finally a study into how First Nation governance in Canada compares and contrasts to federal, provincial and municipal responsibilities. I think that overviews are important for you at home to know where we are going!

Tonight for homework:
  • Complete Elections sheet.
  • Review the provinces and territories of Canada (the back page of the agenda is useful for this!) Spend ten minutes reacquainting yourself with our geography to ensure you get the most out of our Socials curriculum this year!
  • Read for twenty minutes. Have a good novel on the go for any free reading time we have in class!
  • Reminder: Meet the Teacher night is Wednesday, September 17th at 4:30 pm.
Thank you!

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