Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's Meet the Teacher night and Ms. Gretzinger assigns homework!

It's here! I am really excited to greet you all formally in 5G, although many of you have popped by for a visit, which I love! If you're not able to make it tonight, don't fret - all of the information will be given to you on the blog, and if you require a paper copy of anything, just ask! I'd be happy to print anything off for you.

Tonight, students will be practicing their word problem math skills by choosing 3 from a page of 10 questions. They will complete this work on a lined piece of paper in their agenda. Neatness and organization is important when doing math!

Our on-going goal of reading twenty minutes an evening is still in effect - students should be gravitating towards more complicated novels at this stage, and I have plenty of ideas (and so does your local library!) if you're stuck.

Enjoy your evening, and don't forget to vote on the poll to the left!

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