Friday, May 29, 2009

For the weekend...

It's wild to think that the weekend is here! Please search your homes for the missing Library books, and be sure to return any school texts. On Monday, please wear your Perfect Number One for our Whole School photo at Morven.

Speakers and Dancers -- you will be picked up from Kay Meek at the end of the school day on Monday. Be sure to pack a sensible lunch that does not require a microwave.

Enjoy your lovely weekend!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two weeks today!

We watched the 2/3 concert today and it was great! We have been very busy in class finishing up some major term projects - our Iqbal portfolios, our Literature Circles, our Writer's Workshop Fractured Fairytales, our Natural Resources project AND completing some work at the Simple Machines station. There is always lots to do, and students are rising to the challenge independently guiding their learning to finish strong!!

For tomorrow:
  • Please come in your P.E. kit and bring your uniform. We are going to have a run through of the 4/5 play tomorrow and I'm so excited to see it!
  • Your Natural Resource project presentation will be at 11 am - I am also excited to see those! :)
  • Please complete pages 5 and 6 in your Simple Machines booklet if you did not finish this in class.
  • Better Life coffee due Friday -- Dillon, Matt, Nancy and Danesh return Library books -- everyone return yellow Problem Solving duotangs for Ms. Gould and any outstanding tests -- textbooks!!!
Enjoy the beautiful weather!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday and the sun is shining!

What a day! Our Grade 5 Photo-On-The-Rocks went really well and I'm excited to see it soon. I hope that you enjoy the sunshine tonight! :)

  • Please return library books (you know who you are!) and textbooks to the school.
  • Complete your Socials project
  • The yellow Better Life coffee order form is due back on Friday, May 29th - it's the last order of the year!
  • Friday -- last hot lunch!
Good night!

Science World Fun!

Our trip to the Science Centre was really fun AND educational! Now that we are officially into our Simple Machines unit, students learned loads (get it? ha) about force, loads and how to do work efficiently. We learned about the sacrifice you make when decreasing your force (your pushing or pulling) -- the distance your load travels decreases! On top of the fun Simple Machines material we covered, students also played with sound, light, human body and environmental concepts - just to name a few!

Thank you for being such a well behaved class, 5G - you're great!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Homework for tonight!

Science World was so much fun - a big thank you to Mr. Clemiss who volunteered his time today!

Tonight, please work on your Natural Resources project and be ready to present it on Friday! Early submissions are welcome.

Please have your proper Number One uniform tomorrow for our Grade 5 photo, and be sure to bring your Spirit clothes. We have the Problem Solving component of our Measurement Test tomorrow, so tonight would be a great time to review.

Good night, 5G!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Congratulations on a wonderful Cafe Concert, 5G!!

I am so proud of you!!


Cafe Concert was amazing today! I am so proud of our class, and each of you should be proud of yourselves, too!! I've made a slideshow - keep your eyes peeled.

  • Return Library books, Problem Solving duotangs, textbooks and yellow Sports Day Lunch forms!
  • Come in Number One uniform for Science World tomorrow (bring an easy-to-eat/dispose lunch)
  • Put finishing touches on your Natural Resources project
  • Science: Finish page 2 of your Simple Machines booklet to prepare for our learning tomorrow. Free time? Check out the Simple Machines links to the left!

Friday, May 22, 2009

For the weekend!

What a beautiful day! I hope that you all enjoy the weekend! :)

Cafe Concert is on Monday - students MUST bring in their costume in the morning! I am so excited to see the final product of your hard work!

Review for your Natural Resources test on Monday. Recall the game we played for the oil spill clean up options! CAFS - contain (boom, boom, boom), absorb (cheerleader style!), fire (burn, baby, burn) and soap (repel!!). Teach your loved ones at home the game and keep learning! :)

The yellow Sports Day notice that was sent home today is important - please review and return with your lunch choices.

Ms. Gould's pink Problem Solving package is due on Monday - be organized, please!

Reminder: Next Friday, May 29th is the last hot lunch day.

See you on Monday, 5G (unless you'll be at the track meet this weekend, in which case - I'll see you there)!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hi everyone,

What a beautiful week! Here are some reminders for tonight:

There are two tests coming up:
(and on Tuesday we're going to the Science Centre!!)
Continue working on your Natural Resources Project
Study French lines (CAFE CONCERT MONDAY!)
Problem Solving due next week (pink sheet)
Come in P.E. kit and bring Number One
Return Library books!

Loads of students stayed in at recess today to create K'Nex simple machines, and some of the creations included the Archimedes Screw, a Windmill, an Axe, a Measuring Wheel, an Elevator and a Spinning Top! I am excited for the final unit of study!

Thank you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Please continue studying tonight for your Math and Natural Resources tests.

Science: Complete 10.7 in your booklet. Many students completed last night's homework well, but a few of you are cutting corners and not trying to *think* if the answer is not right there for you. I know that it can be difficult, but it is important to read carefully and persist until you get it right - don't give up!!

Library books need to be returned by Friday, so please begin finding them at home!

Good night, 5G!

Circumference of Circle

As promised, here are some links for finding the circumference of a circle!

Remember that pi is worth 3.14!

C= pi x diameter (the distance across the the circle)
(there are games on this page!)

Grade 5 Camp Slideshow by Matt and Mr. Kershaw!

Matt worked so hard on this slideshow, and it my pleasure to show his wonderful efforts! We really did have an amazing time at camp!!

Mathletes Summer Camp with Mr. Hudson Clark

Mr. Hudson Clark (Grade Six Teacher at Morven) dropped by yesterday to tell us about the summer camp he's running. Formally of the Saskatchewan Rough Riders CFL fame, Mr. Clark is now math teacher extraordinaire, and this camp sounds like a great idea for students looking to sharpen their math skills over the summer!

Details I've copied from the website (check out for more information!):

Is your child interested in getting a head start in Grade 6 math? Or perhaps a quick review before going onto Grade 7? Are they a sports enthusiast? If your child would like to further their understanding of measurement, fractions, graphing, problem solving, and number sense while playing SPORTS then this camp is a must! Throughout the course of the week, the children will incorporate real world activities both inside and outside of the classroom into their learning. Mathletes allows the campers to improve their math skills while developing their athletic abilities in Football, Basketball, Soccer and many more sports.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It's going to be a great week - it's amazing how quickly this term is flying by!

  • Complete the worksheets associated with Chapter 9.3, 9.4 and 9.6 in the Science textbook. This will help you with your final project, as well!
  • Math: 5G: pages 287-290 in Jump. Here are some great word problems to help you review:
  • I handed out many work sheets in Math today, and we completed about half of the problems to ensure that you could do each type. Feel free to finish them all to really review! Included in that package was a specific review sheet, complete with boxes for you to keep track of your studying with. Please use these wisely!
  • Our Cafe Concert is less than a week away - we are excited to welcome you into 5G on Monday to watch the incredible efforts by 5G in preparing for this event!
  • Quinten, Dillon and Nicole T are presenting their Book Reports on Thursday.
  • Rugby boys - return yellow form tomorrow, please.
  • Assembly day tomorrow - our interpretation of Number One Uniform has become a little relaxed. Please remove jewelery, hair dye and nail polish, and wear polished dress shoes, proper shirts and ties and dark socks. Be sharp, 5G!
Good night!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Here are a few reminders for your evening:

  • Natural Resources Project
  • Get Socials test signed
  • Practice your Canadian Geography by using your blank map
  • Book report!
  • Study French lines
  • Math? (5G: complete the Area & Perimeter booklet and the Converting Measurement sheet by Tuesday! Be working away on the Puzzler Class Book for Wednesday's class!)
  • Problem Solving due next week for Ms. Gould (pink sheet)
  • Come in P.E. kit and bring Number One for Grandparent's Day!!
  • If Choir or Student Ambassador, just come in Number One!
  • R.S.V.P. Community Day Parade (the yellow invitation sheet is coming home tonight)
  • Return any finished Library books
  • Get excited for the Summer Reading Program!! We heard a wonderful presentation from the West Van Library, and I encourage each student to be on the path to success by reading over the summer. You can sign up at the beginning of June - just pop by your local library branch to learn more!
See you tomorrow for Grandparent's Day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We had a great day today - Zakia performed her dance in assembly and Matt, Jay, Shae, Dylan, Dillon, Quinten, Nicole H. and Sofia were all celebrated for their Athletic Achievements this term!

Tonight for homework, it is imperative that students have committed their Cafe Concert lines to memory with lots of expression!

The Natural Resources project deadline will sneak up on you if you are not working on it often. Consider what it means to exceed expectations, and go for it!

Tonight, please read Chapter 9.1 and 9.2 in the Science textbook and complete the Check Your Understanding (Seven questions in total). Organize your answer on a lined piece of paper with a correct title and complete sentence answer. Reminder: Venn diagrams are two circles that illustrate similarities and differences.

The pink sheet for Ms. Gould's Problem Solving class is due next week!

For 5G Math set, students should be working on the 5G Puzzlers package that is a compilation of your own individual review questions. The Measurement Test is on Friday, May 22, and this package will help you to review. Please practice converting between measurements (dm - cm, km - m, etc.) - you can do this on your own or with the help of the links on the left!

Oral Book Reports are still going on - please keep yourselves organized! Scott and Mikayla are both scheduled to present on Thursday - if you two are well enough to present tomorrow that would be great, but if you're still sick please don't stress out about it! Pirooz is also on deck to go on Thursday! I have so enjoyed hearing about the wonderful novels you have been reading!

See you in the morning!

Monday, May 11, 2009

National Mining Week

We are studying Natural Resources, and today kicks off National Mining Week in Canada! I was poking around their website, and I found these five facts that you may find interesting:


Five Facts for National Mining Week 2009

  1. Did you know most diamonds are more than a billion years old? Even the youngest were formed more than 70 million years ago. (Popular Geoscience Fact Sheet)

  2. Did you know that police are nicknamed "cops" or "coppers" because their uniforms once had copper buttons and badges? (National Research Council web site)

  3. Did you know aircraft and their components contain many precious and high-value metals such as gold, tungsten alloys, and titanium? Each Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft contains around 25 000 pounds of titanium, a metal valued for its strength, lightness, and resistance to heat and corrosion. (The Mining Association of Canada’s Facts and Figures 2007)

  4. Did you know many consumer applications rely on mining products? Here are just a few: batteries, circuitry, computer/tv screens, cosmetics and jewellery, electricity, eyeglasses, leather clothing, musical instruments, sports equipment and helmets, sun protection, and vehicles and tires. (The Mining Associations of Canada’s Facts and Figures 2008)

  5. Did you know our ability to move toward a cleaner energy economy will depend upon the availability of metals and minerals as building blocks? Hybrid vehicles draw energy from nickel hydride batteries, rechargeable batteries require lithium, and solar cells require gallium, indium and germanium. Catalytic converters, used to reduce vehicle emissions, require platinum, rhodium and cerium. Water purification systems rely on nickel and a host of rare elements. (The Mining Associations of Canada’s Facts and Figures 2008)

More Tidbits of Information:

Diamonds are made of plain old carbon, the same material found in pencils or in the graphite powder used to lubricate locks. The difference between the black powder and a brilliant gemstone lies in the way the carbon atoms are joined together. In a diamond, each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a pyramid-like structure. This tightly bonded structure gives a diamond its characteristic hardness. Tremendous heat and pressure are required to make a diamond, and natural diamonds can only be formed deep in the Earth. They are brought to the surface by volcanic activity and are found in "pipes" of kimberlite. Kimberlite is a type of rock named after Kimberley in South Africa, where it was first found.

Source: Popular Geoscience Fact Sheet.

Gold plays an important role in keeping pilots safe. It is used in microelectronic circuitry in escape mechanisms, parachutes, and air-survival radios. (break here) Gold is the best metal to use in these applications because it does not corrode, crumble, or tarnish whatever the conditions; it is unaffected by moisture, oxygen, or ordinary acids, and is virtually indestructible.

Source: Minerals Information Institute.

Rare earth metals (REM) and rare earth elements (REE) are the collection of 17 earth elements in the periodic table, namely scandium, yttrium, and 15 lanthanides. Because of their unique magnetic, fluorescent and chemical properties, REM and REE are key materials used in science innovation.

Major rare earth applications are used in hybrid vehicles. For example the Toyota Prius, which NRCan uses in its car-pool fleet, contains 30 kg (65 lb) of REE. Rare earth elements are used in motors, metal hydride batteries, glass, autocatalysts, and electronics.

Sources: Natural Resources Canada; “Rare Earths at the Crossroads,” by Dudley J. Kingsnorth (September 2008).

The products of the minerals and metals industry help build highways, electrical and communications networks, homes, automobiles, consumer electronics, and other products essential to our everyday lives.

Here are just a few consumer applications that rely on mining products:

Batteries cadmium, lithium, cobalt
Circuitry nickel
Computer/TV screens gold, copper, aluminum, steel, lithium, titanium, silver, cobalt, tin, lead, zinc
Eyeglasses silicon, boron, lead, barium
Sports equipment strontium, phosphorus, indium
Tires limestone, feldspar, soda ash, boron, graphite, aluminum, titanium, sulphur, bromine, iodine, zinc

Source: The Mining Association of Canada's Facts and Figures 2008.

Monday, Monday

I hope that your day went really well today - I am excited to see you all tomorrow!

  • Review the expectations for the Natural Resources project. Plan your time wisely!
  • There are several book report presentations tomorrow - check your agenda long range planner to see when you are scheduled to share your learning with the class.
  • Review your French lines (Cafe Concert is approaching quickly!)
  • Complete Problem Solving homework.
  • Be sure to invite your Grandparents to school on Friday - it will be great to welcome them into our classroom!
  • Blue spelling sheet due on Wednesday.
  • Come in P.E. kit, bring uniform.

Thank you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hi everyone!

It's been a wild week (and thanks to the bump on my head, I only remember some of it!), and it's hard to believe it's already over. I will be away with the ISEA Track Meet tomorrow, so if you need to pass along any urgent information, please phone reception.

Students should:
- come in P.E. kit
- Complete Math homework - 5G - finish Metric System mini booklet and be working on your very own measurement puzzler to make a class book of fun!
- Please get your Problem Solving test signed a.s.a.p. for Ms. Gould
- Sign up for the Chess Tournament - the numbers look great already!!
- Practice your French lines!

Good night!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Natural Resources and Art

During lunch today, we watched a clip of the Sarah Harmer documentary "Escarpment Blues" about the development on the Niagara Escarpment (in Ontario) and its negative consequences for the land.

Many artists have written songs about the effect of human development on our environment. Feel free to listen to these songs, and perhaps you, too will be inspired to create music, poetry or art to share your feelings.

Where do the Children Play by Cat Stevens (with clips from The Lorax)

Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell

Escarpment Blues by Sarah Harmer

Mining for Gold by Cowboy Junkies (we are going to focus on mining fossil fuels in this unit, but this song still gives you an idea of the life of a miner)

Please share your own creations! :)

Round Square Chess Tournament Information

Round Square Chess Tournament Information

We have an exciting opportunity for our Collingwood Chess Masters to participate in! An internet chess tournament between other Round Square school students is organized for this summer, and any Collingwood student (as early as Grade One!) can join in for free! The matches will be played online in the month of June, and the software can be downloaded once students e-mail to register! Simply e-mail your name, grade and school to this address, and they will respond with more information.

The deadline is May 15th - so if you're interested sign up right away!! If you have any questions, I would be happy to help you. This is a wonderful way to improve your chess game, and to meet other Round Square students from around the world! I just received word this morning from the organization that we have 289 students enrolled from 31 Round Square schools, from 14 countries! You will be matched up against students your own age, and it is a single elimination style tourney.

Good luck, 5G!

Monday, May 4, 2009

May Days

It's going to be a great week!

-- please sign and return Problem Solving test by Wednesday
-- yellow Natural Resources booklet - complete the first page, front and back - due Tuesday
-- salmon coloured Spelling sheet - due Wednesday
-- come in P.E. kit, bring uniform
-- Book report presentations are soon - please be working away on this assignment!

Thank you!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring Fair 2009!

After three fantastic days at Camp Squeah (Mr. Kershaw will have the slide show ready soon!!), here are some 5G stars at Spring Fair this weekend! I tried to catch as many of you as I could -- I'm sorry if I missed you!

The food was delicious!

Karaoke Supporters!

Candy Walk Winner (you would think he would be happier about his win...)

AC/DC all the way!

Exploring all of the rooms!

Just caught up with him as he was leaving!

Peace-lovin' gals

Happy ladies

More AC/DC fans

These two rocked the mic all afternoon!

Gladiator style

Spring Fair 2009!