Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cool Camp Countdown!

It looks like the weather is on our side for the rest of the week and the forecast definitely has fun, fun, fun on the horizon! Please remember to review the packing guidelines, and don't over pack - we have limited space on the bus so bring the essentials and remember to layer! :)

If you are finished packing and have some free time tonight, here are some fun Science activities to try!

On Wednesday, May 6th from 3:30 to 4:30, Ms. Murphy and I will be leading a group of volunteer students to tie knots in the Community Day Parade t-shirts. We should be finished by 4:30, and Ms. Murphy and I will supply some special treats for our awesome volunteers! If you are free on that day, please r.s.v.p. to me via e-mail so I know that you have your parent's permission to stay after school for this fun activity! Space is limited - clear your schedule for our groovy tie dye party (this might be slightly misleading...we are just tying knots - not dyeing!! But you will be so proud when you see the finished products on Parade Day!!). It's going to be great!

Have fun packing tonight and please don't forget your smiles, laughter and sense of adventure!!

See you at 8:15 am for our Camp Squeah Epic and Exciting Experience!!

Fort Langley

After several attempts - let's hope this works!

Fort Langley Slideshow

Here we go!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The countdown is on!

The sun is beaming and so are the faces of 5G! The Jeans Day Fundraiser was a huge success for the BC Children's Hospital (it is nice to be comfortable!). Click here to see some biographies of the kids you are helping through this fundraiser! http://bcchf.ca/main/index.php?miracleKids

Camp Squeah is going to be amazing, and it is hard to believe that we are leaving on Wednesday!!

  • Ensure that your Math homework is complete.
  • Be reading for your Book Report!
  • P.E. kit for the morning and bring your uniform.

Congratulations to Scott who won a Summer Camp with the White Caps Football Club this morning!

Good night, 5G!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Notes for the weekend...

We had a great time at Morven this morning - informative tours led by fabulous Grade 6 students, cookies and juice and tons of information about all of the fun things to look forward to.

-- $2 Jeans Day on Monday -- Jeans on the bottom and uniform top.
-- Bring in newspaper for Squeah!
-- Last call for Scholastic orders (due Monday)
-- Problem Solving test on Monday -- please review!
-- Development of Canada/Immigration Test on Monday.

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine, 5G!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday!

5G celebrated Earth Day today by turning off our lights, bringing our snacks and lunches in reusable containers and just generally being connected with and celebrating our relationship with Earth. In the assembly, Shae was honoured for his contributions with the class compost with a Spirit Award (but he is not well - we hope you feel better soon, Shae!).

Tonight, I would like students to focus on being organized. Oral Book Reports are fast approaching - check in your agenda month long planner if you have forgotten your presentation date! Review your Problem Solving duotang to prepare for the upcoming test on Monday.

We leave for camp in exactly one week - I am so excited! Take some time to review the packing list and ensure that you have all that you will need for our wilderness adventure!

Enjoy the sunshine, 5G!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Reminders for tonight

  • Earth Day House Assembly - Number One uniform with House shirt or Environmental shirt
  • Pack Spirit wear
  • Math (5G: page 272-274)
  • Study Problem Solving
  • Study Socials - make notes on push/pull factors.
  • Please bring in newspapers for camp!
Thank you!

Buddies: A Year in Review

Here's a glance back through the year with our wonderful Buddies class, 2M. It has been such a joy to watch the relationships between the students develop, and both groups have certainly learned alot! Thank you for being such a great group of students!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, Monday

5G welcomed a new Scientific addition to our classroom today - a worm home! It will take a few days to fully set up, but soon we will have a fun way to learn about worms and all they are capable of!

Tonight for homework, please ensure that you are organized for our last full week together before camp.
  • Come in P.E. kit and bring your uniform.
  • Rugby -- 7:30 am tomorrow on the field.
  • Wrestler's -- good luck tomorrow! :)
  • Wednesday, April 22nd - Earth Day Assembly - wear your house t-shirt or any earth-friendly themed t-shirt!
  • Problem Solving quiz for Ms. Gould Mon April 27. You need to know how to find the Lowest Common Multiple, how to use t-charts to organize your information, guess-and-check and determine who is the most important person in a word problem (the person everyone else is compared against). Here is a site that may help you review: http://www.stfx.ca/special/mathproblems/grade5.html
  • Immigration and Founding of Canada Test Mon April 27 - you know what to study! You will rock it!
  • Tomorrow is Garbageless Lunch Day -- WE ARE GOING TO BEAT OUR WEIGH-IN FROM LAST WEEK!! Please bring all of your food and drink tomorrow in reusable containers. Alternatively, bring snacks that are compostable!
  • Friday, April 25th -- meet at Morven at 8:15 am - please join us even if you will not be at that campus next year. It is going to be a fun morning and we'll be back in time for Music. Wear your smartest Number One, please.
  • Please bring in any old newspapers for a Camp Squeah activity we are eagerly getting ready for! Shh -- I'll never tell what they will be for! It's going to be great!

Thank you, everyone!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hi all,

Please come dressed in your P.E. kit tomorrow, and pack your civvies for our Bowling Party with 2M! It is also important that you bring your library books back to school on Friday.

Wrestler's -- Form is due tomorrow

5G: 263-264 in Jump
5M: 271-271 in Jump
5BR: 256-260 in Jump
5C: Measurement sheet

Please sign and return your Decimals Tests!

Socials: Be working on your letter home from the perspective of an early settler of Canada. The instructions are in the booklet, and I would like you to invest time editing your own work. This is due on Monday.

Good night!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Science Fair Success!

Dear 5G,

I am, as always, so impressed with your hard work, dedication and enthusiasm. 5G shone tonight as they showcased their Scientific Inquiry! I loved to see the looks on your faces as you spoke so proudly and eloquently about your projects, and this was a wonderful opportunity to see how you fared on a major project with minimal help from me. This is a safe opportunity for you and I to both find out how your organizational and independent-instruction-following skills are before they take centre stage next year in Grade Six! And the results are in - you are all stars!! Congratulations again, 5G!

I will be posting some photos in the next few days -- Fort Langley, Science Fair and months in review slideshows will be coming to a blog near you soon!

A few reminders:

  • Please get math test signed for your math teacher. 5G had an incredible showing on the Number Sense section - an impressive 91% class average! Wonderful!! Problem Solving was, as expected, more of a challenge and our class average was 74%. Please remember to use the strategies you have learned to apply to more difficult questions. Drop by to reinforce your learning at recess and lunch time - I know that with some review of basic principles and careful application of your logical thinking, success is in your future!
  • Be reading for your Oral Book Reports (we will discuss the criteria for this assignment next week)
  • Practice your Bowling skills to prepare for our Buddy Bowling Bonanza on Friday! Parents - please feel free to join us for all or part of the time - score keepers are in high demand! :)
Good night, 5G!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today was great! We saw the Middle and Senior School Dance performance at Kay Meek and it was amazing! I hope that many 5g kids chose to dance next year, as it seems like a really strong program.

Tonight for homework, students should be putting the finishing touches on their Science Fairs. Reminder: double check over the pink booklet to ensure that you have followed the instructions completely. This is a great exercise in self-guided organization and achievement.

Please review for the Math test tomorrow - ensure that you can compare, order, add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals!

Thanks, everyone!

Earth Day Eco-Art

Ms. Scott is organizing a really fun art activity in preparation for Earth Day! It's called eco-art, and it's a great way to redefine garbage and recycling in our lives! Feel free to complete your masterpiece at home, but be sure to bring it in to Ms. Scott before Monday, April 20th!

Here are the guidelines:
  • Your masterpiece must be made completely of items taken from your garbage or recycling.
  • It must be appropriate size to display in the lobby.
  • It must stand on its own, or hang from the wal.
  • It should reflec your creativity, and passion for saving the earth!
You can do this project on your own, with your friends or with your siblings! So get dirty and good luck with the eco-art challenge, 5G!

Monday, April 6, 2009

The beginning of a beautiful week...

Wow -- what a day! The view from the classroom is truly stunning today and our spirits are soaring. We are in the final countdown mode for the remainder of the year and it is jam packed with fun things!

On Friday, we studied the art work of the famous Spanish painter, Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso (a.k.a PICASSO!). We examined the way he represented people to capture their spirit or essence, rather than a literal portrayl of their appearance. 5G created portraits of a person of their choice to show the many sides of their subject, the complexity of the human spirit and the beauty of art. Please drop by to see even more! Some of the beautiful products are showcased in today's post.

Tonight's reminders:
  • Come in P.E. kit and pack Number One for the dance performance at Kay Meek tomorrow afternoon.
  • Complete the bright yellow spelling sheet (due Wednesday) focusing on comparatives and superlatives.
  • Study for the Decimals math test on Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Continue working on Science Fair (due next Tuesday)
  • Return the green permission form for Camp Squeah on Thursday.
  • Problem Solving duotang (a complete homework check!) is due for Ms. Gould on Thursday. It is imperative that you be organized and hand in your work on time!

Important Date announcement for your calendar's!
5G Cafe Concert will be held on Monday, May 25th from 11:0 to 12:30.
Please clear your calendar and plan to be blown away by 5G's fantastic performance in their French plays!

Have a wonderful afternoon in the sun, 5G! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday, April 2

Hi everyone,

Just a few reminders for tonight:

  • The rough draft of any and all completed Science Fair components are due tomorrow. Please just hand in a copy of your material - save your originals to continue working on over the weekend.
  • Come dressed in proper P.E. kit in the morning, and pack your civvies for the remainder of the day. Bring three bottles for the Spring Fair Bottle drive (0r $20, please!)
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Finish Math homework. 5G Math will ensure that pages 237 - 240 are completed (class time was given) as well as the four daily questions to practice multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000!
  • Complete Problem Solving for Ms. Gould.
Several important forms are due:
  • Better Life due Fri April 3
  • Bowling permission form due Fri April 3
  • Scholastics due Tues April 7
  • Camp permission form due Thurs April 9
Thanks, everyone!