Friday, December 12, 2008

The last school weekend of 2008

The snow and cold did not dampen the fun in 5G as we watched one of the plays (well done, Group 1 - you portrayed the meaning of Christmas beautifully!), made bookmarks for our Grade 2 Buddies and just rode the excitement of yesterday's wonderful performance. Pictures of the concert will be included in our quickly approaching December in Review slideshow. Thank you so much for coming last night to be a part of such a beautiful concert - those smiling kids on stage surely made us all proud!

Enjoy your weekend together as we put the finishing touches on the year. The yellow Problem Solving duotang is due on Monday for Ms. Gould, so please make sure that you have completed all of the work! Choir is canceled on Monday, so choir kids - please remember to ask your parents to pick you up at regular dismissal time. There is a math test on Tuesday -- time, temperature and graphing! I am so impressed with your Secret Santa thoughtfulness - I know that Tuesday will be full of surprises and thankfulness.

Thank you, and good night.


Unknown said...

I see I've become the "Lone Commenter." Just can't resist thanking you for your energy and involvement with your students!

Danesh's dad in China

Mrs. Michelle Dearborn said...

Hi Richard! Your comments are always welcome, so thank you! :)
Have a Merry Christmas!

megandkia said...

hi miss.gretzinger! i had never commented our blog before so i thought i would give it a try! i love the blog it rocks!

form meg

megandkia said...

sorry miss gretzinger i ment to say from megan but i wrote form meg sorry about that!