Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We had a wonderful time at Fort Langley today - pictures will be coming soon! On that note - a "Winter in Review" slide show will be posted this week, as well!

We learned many great things at the Fort today. We saw how life was lived firsthand - the differences in accommodation and occupation between the owners and the workers, how heavy the bales of fur were for the voyageurs to carry, how barrels were made by the Coopers and how Blacksmiths created amazing things in their forge. It was really great, and the weather was beautiful.

Tonight for homework:
  • Number One uniform and pack Spirit wear.
  • Science Fair! (rough draft due Friday)
  • Plural crossword puzzle due tomorrow.
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Problem Solving problems for Ms. Gould.
  • Any Math set homework?
  • Yellow bowling permission form due on Friday.
  • Better Life coffee form due on Friday.
  • Scholastic due April 7th
Thanks, everyone! Enjoy the sunshine!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Looking at the week ahead...

Hello everyone,

It is going to be a great week! We go to Fort Langley tomorrow to step back into the past and learn about the history of BC and the Fur Trade!


**Please come dressed for the weather. Civvies are allowed, but please ensure that you are wearing sensible footwear and proper outer wear (if it is raining, be prepared with a jacket and a hood!).

**Please bring a lunch that does not require microwaving. Pack this lunch in a little day bag (no backpacks with big rollers!) to be stored in the Fort while we walk around. We'll eat at 12 and then have some time to play before we board the bus back to school to carry on our learning by planning the building of our own Fort!

** Cameras are welcome, but iPods and other electronics are not. It's a good idea to bring a book in your day bag for the bus ride!

  • Tonight for homework, please continue to work on your Science Fair. I will collect a copy (not originals) of all student work on Friday to check in. Please be prepared.
  • The spelling crossword (working with plurals) is due on Wednesday.
  • Quinten, Dylan and Nan will be playing their Recorders in the assembly on Wednesday. Congratulations for reaching the Black Belt level!
  • Spring Fair Bottle Drive on Friday (more civvies! more fun!) Bring three bottles for the Drive.
  • Scholastic book orders are due on Tuesday, April 7th. Almost everyone is on to the Third book for 39 Clues -- it looks like a great one and Scholastic has a great deal.
  • Decimal test on Wednesday, April 8th - be prepared to perform the four operations with decimals, as well as comparing, ordering and solving problems!
Thanks, everyone. Enjoy your evening!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy weekend!

We had a wonderful week together! Today we celebrated the hard work of four students: Zakia, Danesh, Jenny and Dillon. Min Jee deserves recognition for placing Second in the Legion essay contest! We have an incredibly talented class.

Please have a safe and happy weekend, and continue to work diligently on your Science Fair!

See you on Monday!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I apologize it has taken me so long to post - my internet connection at home has been down.

Here are some reminders for tonight:
* Bring Library books
* Math (5G should complete pages 234, 235 and 236 in Jump -- class was given to work on this, so it is not as daunting as it looks!).
* Come in P.E. kit, pack uniform
* Science Fair!
* Read for 20 minutes (Book Report coming up!)
* Rugby in a.m.
* Return permission forms for Co-Currics

Here is a quick glance at the term ahead!

Fort Langley on Tues March 31 (Civvies - dress warmly!)
Fri April 3 - Bottle Drive -- civvies! Bring three bottles to donate
Fri April 10 - Good Friday - no school
Mon April 13 - Easter Monday - no school
Wed April 15 - Science Fair 5 p.m.
Fri April 24 - Grade 5 trip to Morven to learn about the exciting times ahead of us in Grade 6
Mon April 27 - Jeans Day! please bring $2 for the Children's Hospital
Wed April 29 - leave for Camp Squeah!! (return on Fri May 1)
Sat May 2 - Spring Fair
Thurs May 7 - BOOKtopia author talk at Kay Meek - Ben Mikalsen! Check out his website to the left to learn more about this famous author!
Mon June 1 - School photo - Number One uniform
Tues June 2 - 4/5 concert (after school)
Thurs June 11 - last day of school!

Monday, March 23, 2009

And we're off!

Welcome back to what is sure to be an excellent Third Term together! I enjoyed hearing about the adventures 5G students had, and tonight I will read their excellent third-person perspective stories!

Here are a few reminders for tonight:
  • Come in P.E. kit and bring your uniform.
  • Continue to work on your Science Fair.
  • Complete the hot-pink Analogies Spelling homework.
  • Read for 20 minutes to prepare for an upcoming Book Report!

Thanks, everyone! Have a wonderful night!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's the final countdown!

The students of 5G have been working intensely to complete out Second Term units of study. Congratulations for an amazing term!

Tonight, students have quite a lot to do!
  • Come to school in the morning.
  • Return Problem Solving test with Parent signature if not yet done so.
  • Scholastic orders final due date.

Thank you and good night!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hi all,

  • Please remember to come in your sharp Number One uniform tomorrow for our Class Photo!
  • We will be having Spirit in the afternoon - pack those House Socks if you have them!
  • Problem Solving tests must be signed tonight and returned for Ms. Gould.

Thank you!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Last week before March Break!

Hello all,

The weather has been funny up on the mountain today, but the rain has held off to reveal a beautiful day!

Here is the homework for tonight:

  • Wrestling is canceled tomorrow morning.
  • P.E. is canceled tomorrow - please come to school in regular uniform.
  • Rugby is on - those boys and girls can bring their P.E. strip to change into.
  • Spelling sheet on consonant blends with 'h' due tomorrow.
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Get your Rodeo Day costume in order -- Friday is going to be a great day!
  • Any Math homework that needs to be completed for sets tomorrow.
  • Sign and return Problem Solving test for Ms. Gould.
  • Last call for Scholastic orders - please return by Thursday.
  • Reminder: no after school daycare on Friday - happy March break to all! :)
Thank you and good night!