Thursday, January 29, 2009


We ran through many speeches today, and the children sound amazing! It is really important to practice these speeches to the point of memorization, so that you can really showcase your writing with confident eye contact and expression!

** Students must bring speeches each day until the Finals**

  • 5G Math homework: Jump page 219 and return your Math test with a parent signature.
  • Please make sure that you are prepared for Music in the morning with your recorder and black binder.

Enjoy your night!

Overview of the current Math Unit

To help guide your thinking, here is an overview of the math unit we have just begun:
  • Finding Least Common Denominators
  • Adding and Subtracting Fractions
  • Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
  • Applying your knowledge in word problems
This unit will be assessed within the next few weeks (the test date has not yet been determined). It is imperative that students seek help in understanding this material as we move along in the unit - not the day before the final test! All four teachers are here to help!

February at a Glance

February is going to be a great month, and here is an overview for your records at home:
  • Tuesday, February 3rd: Pig Heart Dissection
  • Wednesday, February 4th: Ms. Gretzinger away at a swim meet
  • Monday, February 9th: Mid-term break - no school
  • Monday, February 16th: Parents invited to 5G for a Speech Celebration! 1:40 - 3:10
  • Tuesday, February 17th: Ms. Gretzinger away at a swim meet
  • Thursday, February 19th: Early dismissal 1:55 pm. Parent-Teacher Interviews in the afternoon
  • Friday, February 20th: Jump Rope for Heart. 5G Speech in-class judging 1:30-3:00
  • Monday, February 23rd: Grade 5 Speech semi-finals at 11:50
  • Thursday, February 26th: Poetry Test

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Making blood

I spy with my little eye....

Most people may see water, food colouring, popcorn, Cherrios and marshmallows, but I know that 5G sees the four parts of BLOOD!

Can you correctly name the parts of blood, and their important jobs?
Of course you can!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Monday!

Hello from the library,

What a beautiful day! My meeting is on a break so I thought I'd post a few reminders for tomorrow:

* P.E. kit in the morning - please pack your uniform.
* Study for Math (test on Tuesday)
* Study for Science (test on Thursday) -- there is a great link to the left (Science textbook quiz) that could be a great way to prepare!

I hope you had a great day with our supply, Ms. Scott and I am looking forward to being back with 5G tomorrow!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


With the two tests next week, homework tonight mostly consists of studying. We had two Science quizzes today - the labeling of the heart was returned today for studying purposes (many children achieved perfect - well done, 5G!), and the larger one (longer essay explaining the path of blood through the body) will hopefully be returned by tomorrow.

Come in P.E. kit and bring your recorders! C'est tout!

Congratulations to Scott, Quinten and Dylan for winning house points this afternoon for their fantastic (and spontaneous) cleaning of the classroom!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog Face Lift

Our classroom got a fancy makeover, and so too has our blog!

I've left the position of everything the same so that you can still find the great poll and valuable links to the left, but the tranquil lighthouse is a nice change for the new year. On the main page you will only see posts from the last 20 days (this should decrease the loading time on your computer screen), and to see older entries simply click on the "Older Posts" link on the bottom right hand side of the page.

Thank you!

Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.
Abbé Dimnet, Art of Thinking, 1928

Happy Wednesday!

It is so beautiful to be above the clouds here at Wentworth! The sun in shining and our spirits are bright. We have been working so hard in the Circulatory, Poetry and Fractions units since the holiday, and the knowledge really is being showcased here in 5G. Please feel free to stop by to see the great work we've been up to!

On Monday, January 26th, the rough copy of the speech is due. This will provide us with good material with which to work to prepare for the in-class judging and the parents event. Details of this will be posted this week.

On Tuesday, January 27th, there will be a Fractions Test in Math Sets. Students should know how to create equivalent fractions, demonstrate knowledge of fractions with diagrams (correctly drawn!), change between mixed numbers and improper fractions and understand how to get a fraction of a whole number (what is 1/4th of 16?). Discuss with your math teacher to get more details!

On Thursday, January 29th, we will celebrate our hard work in Science with a Circulatory Test. A proper review for this will be sent home soon, but in the meantime, please ensure that you know the function of the circulatory system, the names and jobs of the different parts of blood and the path of blood through the body (be sure to use words like -- upper and lower vena cava, left and right atria and ventricles, pulmonary veins and arteries, the aorta and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide). Act it out, draw it out, trace it out on your body -- you can do it!! Remember the goals we made at the beginning of the year - ask yourself what it means to meet expectations, and then what kind of answer may exceed expectations? Expect the best from yourself because you are all very smart young people!

Scholastic orders are due on Thursday, January 29th.

The Aquarium trip is quickly approaching - I am so excited! Friday, January 30th is going to a wonderful time to learn and have fun together!

This is looking far into the future, but we will also test the Poetry unit during the week of February 16th (exact date to be determined). 5G knows that the best way to study is to understand and review knowledge on a DAILY basis - not the night before! So now is the time to really nail down the difference between similes and metaphors. 5G works like busy bees in the hive (I used "like" so it's a simile!). The puppet show in assembly was a ray of sunshine in my day (it wasn't really - I was connecting two concepts without "like" or "as" - it's a metaphor!) Being prepared will help you get the most from your learning and decrease your stress level. Also don't forget that the entire staff of Wentworth is here to help you achieve your best, so tak to any of us to help you manage your time, understand concepts or just for a chat!

Tonight for homework:
  • Math
  • Science: Circulatory booklet -- Complete "Don't miss the boat". We will have a small quiz tomorrow using this exact concept, so be sure to complete it thoroughly!
  • Bring your recorder to prepare for Music class on Friday.
  • Boy's basketball practice at 6:45 am and a home game tomorrow after school! GO CAVS GO!
  • Be happy.

Monday, January 19, 2009


What a day! We began our poetry unit in full force today by studying the poetic devices similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia. Tonight for homework, students will analyze their favourite song lyrics for poetic element (to be completed on the given page). Students are welcome to bring music in tomorrow to share with the class (optional, of course!)

Please wear your P.E. kit and bring your uniform to change into.

See you in the morning! :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hello everyone!

We had a really fun day today making 5 L of blood (actually how much we have in our bodies!), and learning even more about the job of blood cells. I'll post a photo of this later tonight when I get home. To keep the knowledge of the day fresh, tstudents need to complete two pages from the Circulatory Booklet for homework- one sheet will require the Science Probe textbook, Section 5.3 "Your Blood and What it Does", and the back of that page is also due tomorrow "The Blood". It won't take too long, and will be a great way to reinforce what we covered in class!

Please bring your Recorders to school tomorrow for Music class (you will have to bring this every Friday). Come dressed in P.E. and pack your uniform for the rest of the day.

Math homework is recorded individually in the agendas, and 5G needs to complete pages 199-202 in the Jump book. Math tests need to be signed and returned.

There is a Spelling quiz tomorrow, and we had class time today to review for this. I know that everyone is going to soar on this one! :)

Good night!

Mid unit review

Can you find the atria and ventricles of the heart on this diagram?
Would you be able describe how these heart parts function?
Can you label the septum, and describe its role in the heart?
Can you trace the path of blood through the heart?
Can you explain why some arrows are blue and some are red?

Well then, I'd say you are right on track for great success with this unit!

(If you are looking for some help with these questions, please come to study hall and find out!)

Helpful website:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Understanding the path of blood through your heart and body

This is important! And challenging, so hold tight and keep trying!

The heart has four chambers (or rooms). You need to remember that the flow of blood is very logical -- as the blood enters the heart after its long and treacherous journey through the body, it does not have much oxygen left. It needs to enter the lungs to acquire more oxygen! It then enters the heart and gets one push pump out into the body to travel around again.

Check out this link for an easy diagram!

Please be sure to complete the page in your Circulatory System booklet - How the Circulatory System Works so we are fully ready to MAKE BLOOD in class tomorrow! :)

*****other homework*****
  • Read for 20 minutes.
  • Complete Math homework.
  • Return Aquarium form tomorrow

Good night!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Just a few reminders for tonight:

  • Number One uniform in the morning - please being Spirit wear! :) Boots, gloves and hats are still important!
  • Math homework for 5G - get test signed and complete pages 177 and 178 in Jump. It is important to understand the use of variables when making your equations! Fractions are around the corner, so you can also practice reducing fractions to sharpen your skills.
  • Spelling words on the blue page -- please excuse the hand writing, but the printers are down and this was the next best option!
  • Important sheets coming in - hot lunch (by 14th), aquarium (by 15th), Better Life coffee (by 16th), Scholastic orders (by 29th).
  • Read for 20 minutes - check out the Lightning Thief by Riordan - it's an incredible read!

Thank you!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Countdown to Family Literacy Day -- January 27th

There are only 14 days until the 10th anniversary of Family Literacy Day! This holiday was created to encourage the unique learning that can occur when children read with the important adults in their lives, and you can participate, too!

To learn more about the event, go to the official site:

To learn more about how West Vancouver is celebrating this event at the library, go to their site!

The mayor will be reading to the crowd at 10:30 am to help break a world record -- will you be a part of the group??

Welcome back!

It was so great to see 5G again today after our long and relaxing vacation! We made some New Years Resolutions as a class to focus the remainder of our year together...
  • think of others
  • get involved
  • choose to be kind
  • read more/think more
These broad goals can be interpreted widely, and are in addition to our on going academic goals of being an active learner in the curriculum, being organized and improving our cursive writing skills.

We got straight into routine with our Spelling program this morning. The words this week are from our Circulatory System unit as well as our Making Words program (with a focus on prefixes and suffixes). There will be a spelling quiz on Friday, January 16th. These words are coming home Tuesday evening on a blue sheet for home practice.

A few reminders:
  • P.E. in the morning - please come to school in your full P.E. kit and pack your uniform.
  • There is still snow up here on the mountain, so it is really important to bring snow boots, gloves, hats and proper jackets!
  • Hot lunch forms are due on Wednesday, January 14th.
  • Aquarium sleep over forms are due on Thursday, January 15th.
  • Yellow Better Life coffee forms are due on Friday, January 16th.
  • Begin thinking of a speech topic!
  • Read for 20 minutes (book report assignment coming soon!)