Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Day!

We had a great morning together and were able to exchange gifts with our buddies - 5G made bookmarks with thoughtful acrostic poems to encourage a love for reading in their Grade Two friends.

The snow is really coming down now, though, and the decision to end school early was a good one. The world is breathtakingly beautiful from up here on the mountain, but getting down in the weather is best done earlier rather than later! Hopefully our day tomorrow can still happen, as we have a great church service planned for the morning. I will post it on the blog and send out an e-mail if tomorrow is canceled due to the weather conditions. It will, of course, also be on the school website.

  • Please wear Number One uniform in the morning for the service.
  • The Hot Lunch forms need to be returned by January 14th.
  • Have lots of fun in the snow tonight!
Good night, 5G, and thank you for being so awesome!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The final week

5G was buzzing today in anticipation of the great fun ahead for us all in the next few weeks. The snow at recess made it all even more exciting! The kids have kept their cool, so to speak, and buckled down to begin learning about the Circulatory System (how the heart pumps blood through the body, the difference between veins, arteries and capillaries and what blood is made of). We will not complete this unit until after the break, but learning about it now combined with playing some games over the break will help 5G achieve great success with this challenging material.

Tomorrow is a busy day:
  • Boys Wrestling practice at 7:45 am
  • P.E. in the morning - everyone must come to school in full P.E. kit and ensure they have outside shoes or boots for recess. Gloves and toques are also a good idea in this cold weather.
  • Math test on time, temperature and graphing
  • Secret Santa and class party in the afternoon - pack your pajamas!
One last thing -- somewhere in this bunch of 29 cute kids are Ms. Gretzinger and Brad in Grade One. Can you spot us?

Friday, December 12, 2008

The last school weekend of 2008

The snow and cold did not dampen the fun in 5G as we watched one of the plays (well done, Group 1 - you portrayed the meaning of Christmas beautifully!), made bookmarks for our Grade 2 Buddies and just rode the excitement of yesterday's wonderful performance. Pictures of the concert will be included in our quickly approaching December in Review slideshow. Thank you so much for coming last night to be a part of such a beautiful concert - those smiling kids on stage surely made us all proud!

Enjoy your weekend together as we put the finishing touches on the year. The yellow Problem Solving duotang is due on Monday for Ms. Gould, so please make sure that you have completed all of the work! Choir is canceled on Monday, so choir kids - please remember to ask your parents to pick you up at regular dismissal time. There is a math test on Tuesday -- time, temperature and graphing! I am so impressed with your Secret Santa thoughtfulness - I know that Tuesday will be full of surprises and thankfulness.

Thank you, and good night.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


As the term draws to a close, the hearts in 5G are getting lighter! We rehearsed for the performance tomorrow and the kids (and teachers) sounded wonderful. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day, and these reminders may help us:

--Please bring black pants for the performance tomorrow. You may come to school in the black pants, but bring your grey uniform pants to change into so that your costume stays clean for tomorrow night. Students will come to school again at 5:30 pm on Thursday night in the black pants, and the performance is expected to finish at 7:30 pm. Tonight, your homework is to get a good nights sleep to get ready for the day!

- 5G will be making their wish lists for the holidays at the Book Fair tomorrow morning, so feel free to stop by the library while you are at school for the concert!

Good night!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday, December 9th

What a great day - the kids began their Wonderful, Exciting Book of Christmas Awesomeness (also known as their Christmas booklet), and there are many brain teasers, crossword puzzles and Mad Libs to keep us busy in these next few days. The group Christmas plays are coming together nicely and I am excited to see the final product later in the week (but please remember to only work on the script when your whole group is with you - so don't be working away on tonight by yourself!)

Tonight, please sign and return the Skeletal and Muscular Systems test. Question 19 was the most challenging question for most children, as it required students to put together all of the knowledge they learned over the entire unit. Good quality answers included information from each of the smaller parts we covered - bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, joints and whether or not the action of walking was voluntary (we came up with some gross consequences if walking was, in fact, involuntary!) Please look over this test with your child, and sign on the front.

A few reminders:

  • Number One uniform in the morning and Spirit clothes for the afternoon. the forecast is rain, rain and more rain, so pack your full tracksuit in case the P.E. department decides to hold Spirit outside.
  • There were TWO indoor recesses today, so if the rain stops it would be a good idea to go outside and play to make sure that you get some fresh air today! Skipping rope and hop scotch are two easy and quick ways to get your heart pumping and your lungs filled with that wonderful west coast air.
Good night!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, Monday

What a day -- we've been busy making Christmas plays, learning a new language (Rebus!) and surfing our way through the pre-holiday madness! It is going to be a really fun week, and there are just a few reminders to be aware of.

  • No need for P.E. kit - Gym class will not be held tomorrow because of the K/1 dress rehearsal in the morning. Students - please come in your regular uniform, and be sure to bring sensible outerwear - jackets are a must in December!
  • Thursday, December 11th - the big day!! I am really excited to see those adorable 5g faces up on stage on Thursday night - please remember to bring black pants and smiles.
  • Tuesday, December 16th - the other big day!! Secret Santa gift exchange and class party.

Enjoy your night!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Students are likely putting some final touches on their review for the Science test tomorrow. Good luck tomorrow, 5G - I'm sure you'll achieve great success!!

There may be math homework in the sets tonight, as the unit test is on Tuesday, December 16th. Reviewing time in both 12 and 24 hour clock formats and the very tricky elapsed time concept is recommended!

The festive store is tomorrow at 11:15, so please remember your shopping bag and money!

Vancouver Aquarium Sleepover

Coming home with your child tonight is an informational package (with a blue cover) detailing the Vancouver Aquarium sleep over opportunity on Friday, January 30th .This is an optional activity, and comes at additional cost. I went along last year and the experience was tremendously exciting. We spent the evening on a private guided tour of the exhibits and had a delicious and healthy bed time snack before falling asleep to the peaceful sounds of the Beluga whales as the graceful creatures floated past the viewing windows. It was truly breathtaking! Note to parents -- if you are able to join us, then please do, but I recommend bringing a small air mattress to sleep on under your sleeping bag -- the floor nearly did me in last year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We had loads of fun today building an arm out of popsicle sticks and understanding the relationship between biceps and triceps in movement. The yellow information sheet came home along with the actual arm model for your continued fun!

Tonight, please complete page one of the prefix booklet - looking at the meaning of uni-, bi- and tri- when placed in front of a root word.

Math homework was likely assigned today - in my math set, students should complete both sides of the blue sheet about graphing. Math test on Tuesday, December 16th will cover time (12 and 24 hour clocks), temperature and graphing.

Please come to school in Number One uniforms and pack your Spirit wear (along with a full track suit).

****Festive Store on Thursday, December 4th****
****Scholastic Book Fair on Thursday, December 11th****
****4/5 Choir Performance on the evening of Thursday, December 11th****
****Secret Santa gift exchange on Tuesday, December 16th ****

Thank you!

Monday, December 1, 2008


The primary focus this week is reviewing for the Science test. Tonight, I encourage students to think about how the skeletal and muscular systems work together to facilitate movement -- how exactly do they achieve this? Your answer would be thorough and have correct language.

Problem Solving homework from Ms. Gould: Finish the two questions in your yellow duotang.

Please read for 20 minutes and be sure to record the information in your agenda.

Enjoy your night!

November in Review

What a month!

The beautiful views of the ocean are actually from our classroom -
just in case you are visiting our blog from another city!