Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Grade 5 Party!!

You were amazing at the party this afternoon and I was reminded again how proud I am to be your teacher! Well done and we have so much to look forward to tomorrow!!

All of your work came home today so please take a minute or two to look through it and sort it by what is meaningful for you to keep. We donated so much today for needy schools, and I am glad that it will find a good home.

There are still a few items left in the class, though -- please look tomorrow to take it all home -- winter boots, winter jacket hoods, blue school sweaters, math bags and a lunch bag!

Good night, 5G!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


It is so wonderful that the sun continues to shine down upon us as we near the beginning of summer holidays and a new beginning in Grade Six! How exciting!!

Please come to school with a garbage bag or two (or many reusable grocery bags) to carry home your hard work!! Please also count on taking home any rain boots, uniform parts or school supplies you intend to use next year (or over the summer - remember our goal of reading and writing wonderful creative stories over the break!!)

Tomorrow is civvies day, so enjoy the freedom of choice in the morning! Please pack your uniform top and tie for our Alice Cooper class dance at the year-end party. Thank you.

Thursday, though, is sharp number one. I'd like to tell you one last time to tuck in your shirts...

I'll miss you munchkins -- so much....

Monday, June 8, 2009


The last Monday - unreal!

Please return any tests to school with a signature.
Please come to school in your P.E. kit and bring your uniform!

Thank you!

Language Workshop

You will need this link!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wow -- one week away!

Hello everyone!

We had a great day today! Tonight, please complete the Band/Music declaration form and return to me by Monday. This is important!

For Sports Day: in addition to being well hydrated, it would be great if we could be well shaded! Please bring a hat, and if anyone has extra lawn umbrellas or little tents kids could sit under to provide a break from the sun and heat, we would really appreciate it! 5G will have their own area to congregate in as our home base.

Students must come to school on Monday and Thursday of next week in Number One - keep it sharp, 5G!

Parents must r.s.v.p. by tomorrow to Mrs. Vickerstaff for the Graduation Ceremony on Thursday - please be sure to do this! :)

---end of key information---
---beginning of Ms. Gretzinger philisophical rant---

Today, our discussion focused on successful student skills for Grade 6 and characteristics of strong students, subject by subject.

Strong math students have the basic multiplication facts memorized, are able to think algebraically (by having two components of a three part equation, they can use addition/subtraction or multiplication/division to solve), make diagrams, label their work, organize using charts and double check their work. They strive to make their work the best it can be by organizing, underlining the answer to stand out, write meaningful sentence anwsers and double check their math (not glancing over the page to see if each question was completed).

Strong readers think critically while reading, question bias, and are able to hold several pieces of information in their minds to make a new idea. To determine what you believe, and why you believe it - you must be a strong reader! Often, strong readers could read a paragraph and then summarize the main idea in a concise sentence.

Strong writers use outlines and other organizational tools to set up their ideas in a logical and pleasing way. As it is an art, students master the skill of adding imagery, similes and metaphors to their writing in an engaging (not overwhelming) manner. These tools draw their reader in to connect to the idea. Strong writers add additional information through critical research to really shine.

Strong studiers learn through doing. When studying simple machines, for example, they could build a model using basic materials like rulers and erasers to understand the idea. Strong studiers know that studying need not happen while sitting at a desk - often the world around them can provide moments to reinforce their learning. They read their notes (including the active reading summarizing sentences), write and understand definitions and practice possible short answers questions. They could ask ten test-like questions of themselves and answer them with flair. When studying, students could create meaningful songs, rhymes or acronyms that will help to stir their memory. Overall, strong studiers understand the big picture of the concept, so that they could apply to any new question rather than memorization.

Academic success is important - that's a given!
But just as important are the characteristics of strong HUMANS.
That will be the focus for next week's discussion!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

An overview of the next few days...

Please return your signed Math and Socials test
This will be our last Buddies class with 2M!
Bring your HOUSE t-shirt for assembly with your proper uniform, and Spirit clothes for the end of the day

Sports Day! It's going to be so fun! Please wear your house t-shirt and pack sunscreen, hats, layers and loads of liquids. We will have water there for you to fill up your water bottles. I recommend bringing at LEAST one bottle (but I'd bring another one that is frozen) and some frozen juice boxes to keep yourselves cool. Hot dogs and popsicles will be provided for those who ordered them.

Community Day Parade - Peace and Love at 9:30 am at the corner of 13th and Marine!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday, Monday

Oh, the weather outside is delightful,
And Ms. Gretzinger's hair is frightful,
We've got so many places to go....
Let's get ready for our 4/5 show!

Speakers will meet tomorrow evening for our 4/5 concert at the backstage theatre entrance of Kay Meek at 5:15 pm. Dancers will meet at 5:45, and the rest of the cast will assemble in their black pants at 6:15 pm! The show will conclude by 8:30 pm and it's going to be great!

Tomorrow we will have a dress rehearsal during the day, so students need to come to school in the morning with or in their black pants. BUT -- bring your regular grey pant/kilt bottoms so that the black pants do not get dirty at recess.

It's really important that students wear their House t-shirts to school on Wednesday -- since tomorrow night will be a busy one, please make the effort to pack up and stay organized tonight! :)

Enjoy this beautiful sunshine!